Monday, April 26, 2021

Psalm 46:10 - "Hills and Valleys"

Yesterday in the sermon I mentioned I felt like I had let God down when resting so much last week. I said I felt 'guilty' with the situation. I was reminded in the afternoon that guilt is from satan not from God. I knew that but it helps to be reminded of such things. I know God loves me and wants what is best for me. He is so, so good at providing exactly what I need. He knew I needed the conversation about mountains, valleys, and level ground to remember He is with me not matter what is going on in life. I was reminded of Psalm 46:10. A few years ago I pondered on this verse for several days and was blessed in abundance throughout those days. It was during a time in life when the schedule was crazy and I felt like I did not have time to breathe. That week of taking these words and allowing God to speak through them was one of refreshment. Yesterday I thought about the schedule for this week and felt like crying. It seems like it has been forever since I have been to the waterfront or the beach to walk. The last few weeks before getting into the building were crazy. Last week was spent resting a lot. I need to get back to being intentional in making time for just me and God out in His creation. That may sound selfish but I believe it is what God desires of me. He knows what I need and He provides it as I allow Him. He desires to do the same for all of us. We just need to realize He knows what is best for us. I reminded us all in the sermon yesterday that we need to praise Him for...

His time being the perfect time

His love being greater than anything that comes our way

His peace in the midst of the storms of life

The more we praise Him through the mountains and valleys, the more we will realize we can praise Him on the level ground too. The words to "Hills and Valleys" are on my mind this morning...

On the mountains, I will bow my life
To the One who set me there (to the One who set me there)
In the valley, I will lift my eyes
To the One who sees me there

I am so blessed to know God is with me on the mountain, in the valley, and on the level ground. Woo hoo! I am so blessed for His strength, wisdom, peace, and love. Woo hoo! I am so blessed for people, Scripture, songs, and His creation that encourage me so greatly. Woo hoo! I am one blessed lady!

Dear Jesus, Thank You for the blessings of yesterday and the ones ahead in this day! Thank You for the people You put in my life! Thank You for Clay's words yesterday afternoon in follow-up to the sermon! Thank You for lunch with Perks, Ms Carol, and Baughans! Thank You for continuing to be with Little Ivy and her family; Pastor Karen and her family; June's family with her great nephew Michael's health issues; Jack as he awaits surgery; my sister Linda as she continues to recuperate; and so many others. Thank You for the praises shared in service yesterday! Oh how I missed that time when we were apart! Thank You for all who stood in support of being with me as we grow our church! Lord, may we concentrate on souls not numbers. Thank You for Rickey's calls that encourage me greatly! Thank You for laughter! I pray for a cleansing in my spirit so You can fill me to overflowing with more of You. May You ooze out of my words, actions, attitude, and thoughts today in a new, different way. I pray for Darrell to have a great first day at his job; all the decisions the board makes tonight be from You; and Momma's appointment with the surgeon today to provide answers. Thank You for all who are helping with her care! Thank You for the week ahead! I pray You will empower me to stay focused on You so I do not miss anything You have in store for me. Thank You for being My Stillness! Amen.

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