Thursday, April 29, 2021

Lamentations 3:22-27 - "New Today"

Today is a new day! Yesterday is gone and tomorrow is yet to be. God loves us so much that He is with us in our yesterdays, todays, and tomorrows. He loves us so much when we mess up He is there to catch us instead of allowing us to fall. When we miss opportunities He puts before us to love with His love, it's OK. He still loves us. He is a loving God who desires for us to live in His will but when we don't He does not write us off. Instead He continues to lead us as we allow Him. Before going to sleep I prayed for so many going through 'tough' days. Some with physical issues in themselves or family members. Some struggling financially. Some with relationship issues. Some with loss of their job. Some facing life and death decisions. I prayed especially for those who need to allow God to be more in their life. We all need more of God. We all need to get to the end of ourselves so He has complete complete control over every aspect of life. We all need to realize life is not about us but needs to be focused on Him. He is the reason we are here. He created us to love Him. He created us to share His love with others. What a blessing to know there is a new day ahead! I know I probably missed opportunities He put before me yesterday or did not respond as He desired to someone. Thankfully He does not hold such things against me but instead givers me a new day to live for Him! Micah Tyler's song "New Today" is on my mind this morning...

Help me rise like the morning sun
Help me see that Your works not done
When I'm less than what I want to be
Lord, I need You to keep reminding me

Your mercies are new today
Your mercies are new today
I can rest on Your shoulders

It is important for us to remember God's love, mercy, and grace are greater than anything that comes along in life. We were talking last night in Bible study about how the enemy wants to get our souls and will do anything he can to win. We cannot allow him to feed us lies but instead must stand in the empowerment of the Holy Spirit. When people say or do something to hurt us, we cannot allow that hurt to fester but instead need to allow God to soothe the hurt away. When we feel like a failure, we cannot allow the enemy to pounce on that feeling and tear us down further but instead must allow God to fill up our tank so we can live in His love.

Dear Jesus, Thank You for Your love, mercy, and grace! Thank You for the knowledge You are greater than the enemy! Thank You for the reminder from Your Word and this song that today is a new day! Lord, cleanse me so You can fill me to overflowing with more of You. May You ooze out of my words, actions, attitude, and thoughts today in a new, different way. May people experience Your love through me. Father, I do not know what is ahead in this day but You do and that is all that matters. May I not miss any opportunity You put before me today. Thank You for my tribe that take care of me so well! Thank You for Joshua who took my trash and put the wheelchair and walker into storage! Thank You for Chris and the boys who put my Christmas decorations into storage! I am one blessed lady! Lord, my heart breaks for many going through 'tough' days. Little Ivy's family; Pastor Karen's family; June's great nephew; my Momma, Jack, and Mac as they await surgery; my sister Linda as she continues to recuperate from surgery; one who lost their job; Carletta as she has a job interview this morning; Elizabeth's neighbor who needs Your strength; Cait as she starts grad school; Kayla as she takes a test; and many others. Lord, be greater than the hurts of life. I pray Your peace over all. May Your touch be felt today in a new, different way. Lord, I pray for Your wisdom with decisions I need to make. I pray for Your clarity in situations. I am so thankful for the way You work in and through me. I am thankful for the desire of my heart to be Your obedient servant. Thank You Father for being My More! Amen.

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