Thursday, April 8, 2021

Matthew 12:36-37 - "Words"

I enjoy our Bible study on Wednesday nights so much. After it was over last night I was thinking about how it has changed so much with being on-line instead of in person. There are definitely positives to being on-line. One is having people from other states involved. Last night we had South Carolina, North Carolina, and Ohio. What a blessing today's technology brings into our world. I was thinking about how different it is since Mr. Fran and Doc are no longer with us. They both brought so much wisdom and insight into our studies. Sometimes I wonder what they would have to say about what we are studying. Last night as we discussed the impact of our words I thought about how both of them impacted my life with their words. Mr. Fran was one of my greatest cheerleaders in ministry. He would call me after I preached to tell me how much he enjoyed what God gave me. He reminded me so much of my Daddy. When my Daddy left this earth, a piece of me left too. That is how I feel with the loss of Mr. Fran. Even though I only knew him a little over four years I was so close to him. His words were God's words. I want to be known for my words as my Daddy, Mr. Fran, Doc, and so many others who lived life with God's words on their lips. I desire to have meaningful words flow from me and not careless or idle words. Adam Clarke describes a careless word as a word that does nothing, that neither ministers grace nor instruction to them who hear it. Words can destroy or they can build another up. It is important that we choose our words wisely. They need to come from God. The only way that can happen is for Him to flow out of us. I told the group last night that I like to pray for Him to ooze out of me. Toothpaste oozes out of the tube when it is under pressure. God's love will ooze out of me when my heart is overflowing with His love. Guzik wrote, Our words reveal our heart. Woo hoo! I desire to be rooted in Christ in such a way His words will be heard from me. I do not want anything not of Him being heard. I think of Philippians 4:8 that I always taught my teen class in Willard as being the 'junk-in/junk-out' Scripture. I love it in The Passion Translation. It reads:

Keep your thoughts continually fixed on all that is authentic and real, honorable and admirable, beautiful and respectful, pure and holy, merciful and kind. And fasten your thoughts on every glorious work of God,  praising him always. 

Woo hoo! What we put into our lives will flow back out of our lives. I desire to put God into my live continually throughout the day so He is always ready to flow back out of me. This morning I am reminded of a song called Words that Hawk Nelson sings.

Words can build you up
Words can break you down
Start a fire in your heart or
Put it out

Let my words be life
Let my words be truth
I don't wanna say a word
Unless it points the world back to You

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for our Bible study last night that encouraged me greatly! Thank You for Chris and Bob who worked at the building yesterday! Thank You for another day of life ahead! Thank You for cleansing me so You can fill me to overflowing with more of You! May You ooze out of my words, actions, attitude, and thoughts today in a mighty way. May Your love be greater than anything that comes my way. Lord, my heart breaks for Matt and Carrie and they are in this tough time with little Ivy's diagnosis with leukemia. May You continue to be their strength. I think of James and his family with his father's death and ask for comfort for them. I pray that comfort for Robin and her family with the death of her father. Yesterday I thought a lot about this being April and how my Daddy came into this world and he left this world this month. I miss my Daddy so much. I know he is with You and for that I am grateful but oh how I miss him. Lord, You have put some great men in my life over the years and I am so grateful for each one of them. Thank You for always giving me exactly what I need, when I need it! Thank You for today's technology that enables us to have Bible study across many miles! Thank You for phone conversations that encourage me greatly! I was so blessed to talk with Chrissy yesterday from across the miles. It was such an encouragement to my heart to hear Ms. Savon's voice yesterday over the phone. I pray for Your loving arms to be wrapped around her as she reflects back on her earthly Daddy's life. Yesterday receiving a call from Tim and texts from Eddie and my sister Linda touched my heart. I am one blessed lady to have so much encouragement from people. Having daily conversations with my Momma is another blessing. I remember when I was growing up she was limited with her phone conversations with her Momma due to the cost of them. Thank You Father that is no longer an issue in our lives! I am so grateful for ending my day with talking with Rickey over the phone. He encourages me greatly. Thank You Father for being Life! Amen.

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