Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Hebrews 4:15-16 - "Giants Fall"

The Lord took me to Hebrews 4:16 this morning. As I read it in different versions He reminded me of a few things. This verse is one we all need to ponder upon. Also, He wants to incorporate it into with what He gave me for Sunday's sermon. It reads in The Passion Translation: So now we draw near freely and boldly to where grace is enthroned, to receive mercy's kiss and discover the grace we urgently need to strengthen us in our time of weakness. Woo hoo! There's that direction to be bold again! Paul was definitely bold in his witness. He lived out his live with a boldness no one could deny. That is how I desire to live. I know I mess up at times but God still loves me and for that I am grateful. His love is greater than my mess-ups. Praise His Holy Name for that knowledge. I praise Him every day for the way He works in and through me. I praise Him for the desires He puts on my heart to love on people with His love. I praise Him for bringing songs, Scripture, etc. to me to encourage me to never give up but continue to look to Him for guidance. Verse fifteen of Hebrews 4 shares how Jesus lived as man on this earth. He had temptations just as we do but He never gave into them. When we live to be Christ-like, temptations will still come our way but His strength will be with us to stand up against the enemy's tactics. Our faith will grow through such times. Our love for Him will deepen as we strive to live Christ-like. Life's issues will become easier because we will not be handling them on our own. Our Heavenly Father desires to not just get us through 'tough' time but He desires to be glorified through them. He desires to knock down the 'giants' in our lives and move 'mountains' that need moved. Sometimes I feel like the 'giants' keep coming one after another and the 'mountains' get bigger before me. Then He reminds me He is my strength and nothing that comes before me is greater than Him. Woo hoo! I am reminded of the words to Giants Fall this morning...

We could really live like this
Can't you imagine it
So bold, so brave
With childlike faith
Miracles could happen
Mountains would start moving
So whatever you may face

Don't you be afraid
Of giants in your way
With God you know that anything's possible
So step into the fight
He's right there by your side
The stones inside your hand might be too small
But watch the giants fall

I love this towel I bought Sunday. It encourages me to continue living as God directs. He has moved many 'mountains' in my life time but especially in the last few years. I am so grateful for the way He encourages me to not give up when situations are bleak.

Dear Jesus, Thank You for the opportunities You put before me yesterday with spending time with Kayla and Haleigh's family! Thank You for the opportunities You will put before me today to love with Your love. Thank You for the reminder of the prayer for boldness in my witness! Thank You for cleansing me so You can fill me to overflowing with more of You! May You be glorified through my words, actions, attitude, and thoughts today. May You direct me to where You so desire me to go and say what You desire to flow from me. Lord, my heart is heavy for Pastor Karen and her family as she has been put on the ventilator. It is also heavy for Little Ivy's Family as she is hospitalized with an infection. May Your healing touch come down upon these two as their bodies rest and are restored. I pray continued healing upon my Momma, my sister Linda, my friend Kaye, and so many going through 'tough' physical times. I pray for Ross and Mary today to have a blessed day with Mary having no pain. Lord, these physical bodies get tired but may we never tire of allowing You to love through us. Thank You for the memories You brought to my heart yesterday with it being my Daddy's home-going day! You are so, so good! Thank You for people loving on me throughout the day! Thank You for ending my day with an hour long call with my Momma and conversation with laughter with Rickey! Lord, may you keep my eyes, ears, mind, and heart open to what You have in store for me in the day ahead! I pray blessings over Colleen today as she celebrates another year of life. Thank You for being My Mountain Mover! Amen.

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