Sunday, December 6, 2020

Psalm 29:11 - "Peace"

As I sat at the waterfront yesterday for a short time I received His peace. I feel so connected to God and Doc there. I remember almost five years ago sitting there as we both experienced His peace in knowing we were to move here. Before moving to Willard someone told us 'you will know' when you walk into where God has prepared for you to minister. The minute we walked into the Willard church we knew. As we sat at the waterfront that day we knew God wanted us here. In Doc's final months we talked and knew I was to stay here to minister to the people. God is so, so good. I am grateful for the things we discussed before Doc left. I am grateful for the decisions made while he was still with me. I am grateful for us doing ministry together for many years. Last night before going to bed I prayed for pastors who are struggling with this holiday season. This season has enough 'extras' added to it but this year we also are dealing with COVID19, dirty politics, etc. There is a sense of hopelessness in many, including pastors. The enemy is working overtime but we cannot allow him to win. We can learn from Matthew Henry how to experience His peace.

When we come before him as the Redeemer of sinners, in repentance faith, and love, he will accept our defective services, pardon the sin that cleaves to them, and approve of that measure of holiness which the Holy Spirit enables us to exercise. We have here the nature of religious worship; it is giving to the Lord the glory due to his name. We must be holy in all our religious services, devoted to God, and to his will and glory. There is a beauty in holiness, and that puts beauty upon all acts of worship. 

Woo hoo! His peace is attainable as we live in His presence. It is attainable as we get our focus on Him instead of ourselves. Today's theme for Advent is peace. God desires us to live out His peace. He desires us to experience His peace to the fullest capacity. The desire of my heart is to do so. Even when the world all around me is in chaos I know I can live in His peace. For that knowledge I am grateful.

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for giving me time at the waterfront yesterday! Thank You for Sheri and Chrissy taking me! Thank You for the reminder of the day Doc and I sat there almost five years ago and felt Your peace with moving here! Thank You for giving us Your peace in Doc's final days on this earth with decisions that were made! Father, cleanse me so You can fill me to overflowing with more of You. Speak boldly through me this morning as I share for church what You have laid on my heart. I pray for all pastors to have Your peace, especially in these tough days. I pray for Your peace for Rhonda's family with the loss of Baby Ruby and for Nola's family with her death. Thank You Jesus for being My Peace! Amen.

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