Wednesday, December 23, 2020

II Corinthians 9:12-15 - "Silent Night"

Today is Christmas Eve Eve! Woo hoo! Last night's celebration at my home church was so inspiring. What a blessing to see people being ministered to in unique ways with COVID19! I was so inspired as a pastor to get more creative as I minister. Yesterday I was reminded of so many ways over the years Doc and I shared God's love. One friend talked about the big M&M pizza pan cookies I made at Christmas for each family in the church. I thought about the year I had a MS flair-up and couldn't bake my normal fifty dozen cookies to give away. My daughter-in-law Lizzy baked and brought me tons of cookies from North Carolina. She knew how important it was for me to be able to give. My Daddy struggled his last few years with not being able to buy 'his girls' a little gift at Christmas. I would watch for little pretties throughout the year that would be affordable for him to give. I will never forget the smile on his face as he gave them out. I remember the one year even getting him to help me make something. Our years of spending Christmas Day at the dinner and clothing give-away in Mansfield hold precious memories. I will never forget the pre-teen who found a suit complete with shirt and tie one year. He came proudly out to his grandmother who was raising him proclaiming "Look Grandma! I did get a gift for Christmas!" Seeing how God worked out making sure we had enough toys the year we gave them was awesome. The same with the toy distribution at Gateway in Mansfield. God has truly blessed me with so many memories. Last night when God put it on my heart to do a mini service on Christmas Eve I became so excited. I don't know why I had not considered it before. I know it won't be like any Christmas Eve services in the past with having it on-line but I pray people will be touched. I grew up with beautiful Christmas Eve services ending with everyone holding a candle as Silent Night flowed from us. I will never forget the first time Doc led Family Communion when
we were between lead pastors at the Orrville Nazarene Church. It was in a rental facility we could nor decorate much but God was present. When we went to Willard and was in a beautiful building that was decorated so beautifully for Christmas, God was there. I remember the one year of being blessed with a mini concert by Doc, Adam, and Tim. I'm so thankful for the video clips from that night. I think one of my favorite Christmas Eve services was the one a man accepted Christ before taking communion. Woo hoo! Our first year in Beaufort we had communion in our home for Christmas Eve. The highlight of that night was having a recently deployed Marine who had just come home attend with his wife and boys. They have become like family to me. Christmas Eve will be different in many ways this year but the thing that will never change is that Jesus is the True Reason for the Season!

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for yesterday as I made new memories with my Momma! Thank You for goody trays we made for people! It is no wonder I desire to do such things since she has done them alley life, Thank you for the tree lighting service COVID style as we watched from our cars, sang along with the carols, and drank hot chocolate! Thank You for how John is leading my home church to be the hands and feet of Jesus! Lord, cleanse me so You can fill me. I want to not just hear You but I want to walk in obedience to You. Thank You for directing me to do a mini Christmas Eve service in-line! I am so excited! Father, I continue to pray for many but especially for: Ben and Colleen; Dan and Pam; the Brad Stacy family; Cindy Helmick and her family, Raymond Helmick Family; little Karter; and my friend Chrissy. May God's peace come down upon all. Thank You Jesus for being My True Reason for the Season! Amen.

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