Wednesday, December 9, 2020

II Timothy 1:7; Philippians 3:14 - "I Will Fear No More"

I'm so tired. I am physically exhausted from getting little sleep over the last few nights. I am emotionally exhausted from all that has happened these last few months. I am mentally exhausted with the 'junk' that continues needing taken care of after Doc's death. I am financially tired as I watch bills come in from my fall. But with all these I refuse to be spiritually tired. Instead I continue to stand upon II Timothy 1:7 in the empowerment of the Holy Spirit. God had a song by The Afters going through my mind throughout the night.

Even though I'm in the storm, the storm is not in me
You're my courage when I worry in the dead of night
You're my strength 'cause I'm not strong enough to win this fight
You are greater than the battle raging in my mind
I will trust You, Lord
I will fear no more

Yes! I refuse to claim fear from what is happening in my life. I refuse to allow the enemy any open door into my life. I refuse to give up. God did not bring me this far just to fail. He gave Doc and I a vision for the Beaufort Church of the Nazarene and I will see that vision fulfilled. Doc left this earth before many dreams were realized. He left before many memories were made. But praise His Holy Name he realized a greater way of life. He lived life to the fullest so he could live for eternity with God. I need to continue to remember and walk in the wise wisdom of the Apostle Paul in Philippians 3:14, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. Paul had many tough days yet he never gave up. He had many times where humanly he felt like he could not continue but God gave him what he needed to continue on. He does the same for me. Days like yesterday where I felt weak, He was there encouraging me. As I had decisions to make, He was there guiding me. When I was struggling, He gave Sheri words to remind me I'm making progress. I am so grateful to be in relationship with Him. I am grateful I am surrounded by people praying for me. He is so, so good! Today is a new day. I have a choice to make. I can either allow the little sleep I've had to dictate my day or I can press into God more to not just get me through the day ahead but for Him to be glorified through it. I choose the latter.

Dear Jesus,

Thank You for the opportunities You put before me yesterday and the ones ahead today! Thank You for guiding the decisions made yesterday! Thank You for cleansing me so You will ooze out of my words, actions, attitude, and thoughts today! Thank You for Doc's presence being felt throughout these 'tough' days and for Sheri being with me! I pray for Rebecca to experience Your peace with the challenges ahead in her work day. I pray Your peace over Elizabeth and Sandi as they continue their challenging days. I pray for all dealing with COVID19 in themselves and/or family members. May all experience Your peace. I pray Your peace over myself as I continue to seek Your will. I pray for others to take on the last few hurdles with the church building so Your peace can come down upon me with it. Last week's sermon on peace was so applicable to this week. I look forward to bringing together what You have laid on my heart for Sunday. Thank You for being My Peace!

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