Monday, July 20, 2020

II Timothy 1:7; Lamentations 3:21-23 - "The Way (New Horizons)"

The Lord had the song The Way (New Horizon) going through my mind every time we were awake throughout the night. This song reminds me of how God is with us no matter what we go through.

Through every battle
Through every heartbreak
Through every circumstance
I believe that You are my fortress
You are my portion
You are my hiding place 

I believe You are the Way, the Truth, the Life 

Yes! He is our strength to get through 'tough' days. He empowers us to not be fearful of what is ahead but instead to rest in the knowledge that He is with us and always will be. He reminded me of the ten things I spoke of in the sermon He gave me to present yesterday. We all need reminded from time to time how to fight the good fight of faith. Paul told Timothy in II Timothy 6:12: So fight with faith for the winner’s prize! Lay your hands upon eternal life, for this is your calling—celebrating in faith before the multitude of witnesses!  This is what we all need to do! We need to keep pressing forward to our eternal home in heaven. I am going to strive to be better at these ten things so I can be more focused on Him.

Ten Things We Can Do To Fight The Good Fight of Faith 
1.            Continue to walk toward God; do not look back - Philippians 3:12-14   
2.            Live for God not the world - Colossians 3:1-2   
3.            Allow God to live in and through you - Ephesians 3:14-19 
4.            Allow trials of life to strengthen you - James 1:2-3 
5.            Keep active in your spiritual life - Romans 8:6 
6.            Live a life where you can hear His voice and walk in obedience – John 10:27       
7.            Live out your testimony – Matthew 5:14-16
8.            Be bold in your witness – II Timothy 1:7
9.            Never quit learning more about Him – James 1:5
10.          Don't quit saying 'yes' to God – Proverbs 3:5-6

As I strive to stay focused on Him, I will realize His love, strength, empowerment, peace, etc. more than ever before. As I stand upon II Timothy 1:7 the Holy Spirit will empower me to stay strong even when I am feeling overwhelmed. Woo hoo! I don't want to live a life filled with fear and doubt but instead want to live the life He has called me to live. The song continues...

It's a new horizon, and I'm set on You
And You meet me here today with mercies that are new
All my fears and doubts they can all come too
Because they can't stay long when I'm here with You

These words remind me of a Scripture my dear friend Anne gave me a few months ago and then again last week. Lamentations 3:21-23 reads in the New Living Testament:

Yet I still dare to hope when I remember this: The faithful love of the Lord never ends! His mercies never cease. Great is His faithfulness; His mercies begin afresh each morning!

Woo hoo! Praise His Holy Name! Jeremiah wrote these words during 'tough' days after watching the fall of Jerusalem. He saw how God brought judgement down for the sins of the people. Even though Jeremiah was experiencing 'tough' days, he still had hope in God and was confident in His love. That is exactly what we need to do when we experience 'tough' days. We need to stand in victory with Him! He has already won the war when He gave His Son to die for our sins. What we are going through on this earth is no surprise to Him. He knows the end of the story and we must be willing participants in His story until the end comes. As we are, He will love on us with a great love that shows us mercy and grace. We must remember to stay focused on Him and not what is happening. As we do, it allows Him to use us as He desires.

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for the message You put on my heart to share yesterday! Thank You for giving me voice to present it even with a sore throat! Thank You for the way You continue to bless us through these 'tough' days! Lord, cleanse me so You can fill me so I can stay focused on You! May You be my words, actions, attitude, and thoughts in a mighty way today. I pray anyone who I see or talk to will feel Your presence ooze out of me. Lord, it was another rough night for Doc. I pray for relief for him. I pray for Your mercies to be upon him in the day ahead. I pray for healing and strength in his physical body; encouragement in his emotional body; and focus in his spiritual body. Lord, be greater than his aches and pains. Thank You for him eating three meals yesterday! I cherish when we can sit at the table together like we did twice yesterday. Thank You for friends like Anne Fairbanks who encourage me greatly with Scripture! Thank You for everyone who takes time to check on us! Thank You for songs that encourage me! You are such a good Daddy! I love You so much and am thankful for You in my life. I cannot even begin to imagine how people get through life without You. Oh Father, empower me to do better at sharing Your love with others. I pray You will be with my friend Cassie who is going through some 'tough' days to realize Your love in a more intentional way. Thank You for being My Portion! Amen.


Sandi said...

Amen amen amen!

"What we are going through on this earth is no surprise to Him."


Have a blessed day 🌸

My Strength said...

Amen, Sister! Be blessed!