Saturday, February 1, 2020

II Timothy 1:7 - "You Make Me Brave"

The Lord woke me in the middle of the night with these words...
As Your love, in wave after wave
Crashes over me, crashes over me
For You are for us
You are not against us
Champion of Heaven
You made a way for all to enter
To Your love, in wave after wave
Crashes over me, crashes over me
For You are for us
You are not against us
Champion of Heaven
You made a way for all to enter in

Cause You make me brave
You make me brave
You call me out beyond the shore into the waves
You make me brave
You make me brave
No fear can hinder now the love that made a way
Sometimes I don't feel 'brave' but then when I stop and think about how His love empowers me every minute of the day I should. The dictionary says to be brave one is "ready to face and endure danger or pain; showing courage." I know with God's help I can get through anything. I also know there are times when I don't feel courageous but He is there to give me His strength. His love is greater than anything. His empowerment is all I need. When the waves come crashing in, He is my Life Guard. When I feel like I'm going under, He is the One to save me. When life becomes almost too hard to handle, He is the One to keep me breathing. I don't know what I would do without Him. I'm so grateful for the way He guides me through life with His love. Yesterday was a long day but He blessed me through it. I am so grateful for all the ways He showed His love to me throughout the day. I am grateful for the way He went before me and protected me from things I might not even know about. I am grateful to know He is all I need every day of my life on this earth so I can spend the rest of my days with Him for eternity. I continue to stand upon His empowerment of II Timothy 1:7. I will not fret as we wait on the CT results. He already knows them. I will not fret over my Momma's test on Monday. He already knows the results. I will not fret over the church building rehab. He already knows the outcome. I will not fret over finances. He already has everything taken care of. Plain and simple. I will not fret. How can I do this? By standing in His love and empowerment.

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for the reminder this morning that You make me brave! Thank You for the blessings of yesterday and the ones ahead in this day! Thank You for going before me today and opening doors that need opened and shutting those that need shut! Father, cleanse me so You can fill me! May You be my words, actions, attitude, and thoughts throughout this day. May You guide me to do what You so desire of me. May You enable me to stay focused on You so I do not miss any opportunity to share Your love. Father, I pray for Your strength for Doc. I pray You will empower him to lean into You. May You be greater than his aches and pains. May You shrink the tumor so it can be removed. I pray for Your strength for Lynn and her family with the death of her father; Shirley who had surgery yesterday; Marie whose father is having health issues; my Momma as she awaits her test on Monday; the new Marine whose mother and sister were killed; Melinda and her family who are going through a tough time; Carol as she awaits medical testing; and many others with needs. Father, I pray especially for those with spiritual needs to have someone to show Your love to them. Thank You Jesus for being My Champion of Heaven! Amen.

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