Sunday, February 23, 2020

II Timothy 1:7 - "Control"

Last night was no different than any other Saturday night. It was full of being woke up multiple times to pray for pastors. A difference in the prayer times was He had me focus on pastors who are discouraged and/or disappointed. He had me pray for...
  • healing in ones with physical needs.
  • peace in ones with stressful situations.
  • wisdom in ones with financial issues.
The one time He woke me up to pray for for pastors who have the attitude they are in charge in the church they were called to. It was during this prayer time that He brought to my mind the song Control

God You don't need me
But somehow You want me
Oh how You love me
Somehow that frees me
To take my hands off of my life
And the way it should go
God You don't need me
But somehow You want me
Oh how You love me
Somehow that frees me
To open my hands up
And give You control
Yeah, I give You control

This song is about having our plans but realizing we must give up what we want so He can work in and through us for what He desires. That is a hard place to get to, especially for some pastors. Sometimes power rears its ugly head. Satan gets a foot in the door of a life and takes over. We must remember that is not God's desire for any of us. He wants people who will be in relationship with Him 24/7, committed to living a life of obedience. 

Another time I woke up because Doc was having a tough night. God had me pray against discouragement in his spirit. The days since chemo have been 'tough' physically. He tries to push through them but yesterday was just too much. He had me pray for Doc to dig into His Word for encouragement and for people to encourage him through the 'tough' days.

The last time He woke me to pray II Timothy 1:7 over all believers but specifically over pastors. God desires to empower us through His Holy Spirit. He desires for us to not only live in His love but to share it. He also desires us to stand firm in our faith when the enemy tries to put fear upon our life.

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for another Saturday night of praying for pastors! Thank You for the way You give me specifics to pray for! Thank You for those who came out and painted at the church building yesterday and the work that was accomplished! Thank You for the favor granted to us with purchases yesterday! Thank You for another day to live! Thank You for blessing us so greatly! Thank You for cleansing me so You can fill me to overflowing with Your Holy Spirit! Thank You for giving me the desire in my heart to live a life sold-out to You! I am so grateful for the day I realized that type of life is one where I do not have to fret over anything but instead just needed to give you control over aspect of my life! Father, I pray for Doc to fill better today but if he doesn't then I pray You will speak through me as I preach. Thank You for giving me Scripture yesterday to study and prepare! Lord, be with all pastors who will be going into the pulpit today to be living a life controlled by You. I pray again for those who are discouraged/disappointed. May You be greater than their discouragement and disappointments. May they seek You instead of others through what they are going through. Thank You Jesus for being The One In Control of My Life! Amen.

1 comment:

Sandi said...

"... and for people to encourage him through the 'tough' days."

God is good. He will NEVER leave you nor forsake you.
