Thursday, February 27, 2020

II Timothy 1:7; Ephesians 6:10-20; James 1:2-4, 4:7-8 - "Stand In Your Love"

II Timothy 1:7

I woke up to these words again this morning...

'Cause my fear doesn't stand a chance
When I stand in Your love
My fear doesn't stand a chance
When I stand in Your love
My fear doesn't stand a chance
When I stand in Your love!

Yes! We do not have to allow the enemy any open door into our life but instead need to stand upon II Timothy 1:7 in the empowerment of the Holy Spirit. Throughout the night and again this morning I am praying for several people who need the reminder His love is greater than circumstances on this earth.
  • Doc as he continues the battle of pancreatic cancer. Others who have various types of cancer.
  • A friend whose elderly mother is not thinking clearly and making unjust allegations.
  • The military family in South Korea who are quarantined separately due to the father/husband being exposed to the coronavirus. 
  • A family with visitation issues.
  • A friend whose wife is an alcoholic.
  • Several people with physical, emotional, and financial issues but most of all those with spiritual issues.
  • A friend who fell and hurt his back yesterday.
  • A friend whose foster child was transferred to a larger hospital due to continued health issues.
  • A friend with ongoing marital issues.
There is so much 'junk' in this world. It breaks my heart to see people going through trying situations but it also blesses me to see their faith grow as they lean into the Lord and His strength. James 1:2-4 tells us that we are to rejoice through trials because the result is a deepening in our faith. We have a choice to make every day of our lives to either follow God or allow the enemy an open door. We have a choice to make on whether we want to hold onto control of our lives or allow God to have total control. We have a choice to make on whether we want to keep failing at life as we live it for ourselves or if we want victory through a life with Christ. Plain and simple. We have a choice. God gives us free will to make decisions. There is no better life than one sold out to Christ. There is an unexplainable peace when living for Him. Even in the midst of things such as pancreatic cancer there is peace in knowing He knows the outcome and no matter what that outcome is we win! He is our Victory when we live in the desires of His heart! He is our Victory when we walk the road of obedience to His will! He is our Victory when we live in His love and empowerment! Plain and simple. He is our Victory! Woo hoo! I was reminded this morning that when I stand in the full armor of God (Ephesians 6:10-20), I have victory over the enemy. As I follow James 4:7-8, I have victory over the enemy. Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Come near to God and he will come near to you. James gives two promises in these verses. First,  the devil will run away when I resist him. When he comes knocking at my door, I must tell him to get away because God is greater than him. Second, God is here for me at all time. He desires to be my Strength and Empowerment. Sometimes I struggle with these verses because it seems like the enemy does not give up attacking. He does not like what God is doing in and through me. He desires victory but God is always with me and won't allow the enemy to win as long as I stay in relationship with Him. The more the enemy fights, the more I have to be prepared. Preparation comes through living in His presence, being in His Word, being in conversation with Him, etc. I do not like to be unprepared for anything. I like to know what is going to happen, when it will happen, etc. The enemy is tricky so I must be on-guard at all time so I do not get caught up in his tactics. I am thankful for the way God reminds me of  what I need to do to live a life where He is in control. 

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for the reminder from this song this morning and the different Scriptures You brought to me! Thank You for Doc being able to go to Bible study with me last night! Thank You for our study on Matthew! Thank You for the day ahead and all the ways You are going to use me to love with Your love! Cleanse me so You can fill me to overflowing with more of Your Holy Spirit. May You be my words, actions, attitude, and thoughts today in a more intentional way. May people see/hear You instead of me. Lord, I pray for Your touch upon many today. Doc; Jed; Tisha and her family; Mike; Mick; Holly; Amanda; my pastor friend with cancer; my friend with her elderly mother not thinking right; the military family in South Korea who are quarantined; my friend with visitation issues; my friend with an alcoholic wife; my friend with ongoing issues in her marriage; and many others with deep spiritual needs. May You be greater than what each one of them are living out in their lives right now. I continue to pray for Your wisdom and guidance with our church building rehab and ministry that will occur in that neighborhood. Reveal Your will to us. Thank You Father for being My Victory! Amen.

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