Sunday, February 16, 2020

II Timothy 1:7 - "Leaving Eden"

I knew God woke me multiple times to pray for pastors during the night but I didn't realize how many until writing this morning. He had me pray for...
  • District Superintendents as they pastor pastors. He had me pray "they would not get too caught up in the business of the District that they forget their call to pastor." He also had me pray for those who were going through 'tough' days with finances on their District.
  • Pastors with health issues in themselves, their spouse, or a family member. I know Doc is not the only pastor with cancer and He had me pray for all to rely on His wisdom on what they were to do in their life, especially their ministry.
  • Retired pastors "to not feel worthless but instead realize their experience can be a great help to young pastors."
  • Bi-vocational pastors who have to work a secular job to provide for their family and/or to have health insurance.
  • Pastors who have lost their spouse and are figuring out how to do ministry without them by their side and pastor's spouses who feel lost now that they are not in that role.
The last time He woke me with a song and this message. What would our world look like if all believers loved with His love? How would our world change if all believers had their focus on God instead of the world? How would disagreements about politics and world issues change if all believers allowed God to be more than their Savior but be the Lord of Lords of their life?

People are losing their homes to hurricanes
(One more step away)
Old lady living next door forgot her own name
(One more step away)
Teacher is hiding her Bible, but at least she's got a job
(One more step away)
My local Salvation Army just got robbed

Feels like I'm leaving Eden
Feels like I'm leaving Eden

It's like I'm further away with every step I take
And I can't go back
Cause I'm leaving Eden

I'm going, going home
I'm going, going home
There's no place, no place like home
There's no place, no place like home, home

We all need to get better at living for the Lord. We do not know when He will return. We, as pastors, not only have the responsibility to lead our flock but to take every opportunity God puts before us to love those He gives us to love. We cannot allow the enemy to win the battles on this earth. God already won the war when He gave His Only Son to die on the cross for our sins. But the story does not stop there. Jesus came back to life and lives in all believers hearts today. We cannot allow His death and resurrection to go in vain. Instead we must stand upon the promises found in II Timothy 1:7. We cannot be filled with fear but instead be filled with His empowerment to love and be the people He has called us to be. God's greatest desire is to have people live for Him. He desires to have pastors who think of Him first before what their people want. He desires pastors to be in relationship with Him so they will not only hear His voice but walk in obedience to it. Heaven...our eternal home. That is what needs to be on our minds at all time. We should not just be thinking how we will get there but how those He puts before us can be there to. We cannot save the world. Only He can. But we need to get better at being His hands and feet so people will have the desire to be with Him. My heart breaks to see churches having 'country club' type settings where people are not being told what they need to hear. It breaks my heart to see pastors worn down so badly they feel like not only giving up on ministry but giving up on God. It breaks my heart to see pastor's families suffering because of the enemy having his way in the lives of people in churches. We do not have to live like this but the only way it will change is for believers, especially pastors, to be living with a heavenly focus.

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for my time of praying for pastors during the night! Lord, I pray again for: Pastor Sam and other District Superintendents; Doc and other pastors with health issues; Raynard and other retired pastors as their role in ministry has changed; bi-vocational pastors as they seek Your direction on how to spend their time to get everything accomplished; Steve and Patricia as they learn how to do ministry without their spouse; Patty and Shirley as they figure out how to live in their new role in the church; and all pastors to focus on You. Father, thank You again for this time You lay on my heart every Saturday night. Thank You for every opportunity You gave to me yesterday to love with Your love and every opportunity You will give me today! Cleanse me so You can fill me to overflowing with more of You. May I not miss any opportunity You put before me. I'm tired and moving slow today but I pray that will not be a distraction to me. I want to be totally focused on You. I want people to hear/see You through every word, action, and my attitude today. May it be so. Thank You Jesus for being My Eternal Dwelling Place! Amen.

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