Sunday, February 9, 2020

II Timothy 1:7 - "With Lifted Hands"

Saturday night is always filled with waking up to pray for pastors. Every time I woke up I prayed for my pastor. He was so sick last night. I prayed for the Lord to wake me up early if I needed to preach since all of the sermons I've prepared have been presented. At 5AM when He woke me I thought that was why but He clearly said, "No, daughter" so I went back to sleep. He assured me Doc would be up to preaching today. If that changes, I know He will provide. He had me praying some specific prayers during the night for pastors...
  • Children's pastors to not forget there are others besides the 'little' guys for them to minister to.
  • Youth pastors to realize the importance of purity in their own lives as they are an example to their teens.
  • Worship pastors to not allow their ministry to get in the way of their personal time of worship.
  • Lead pastors to not get so caught up in the 'tasks' of ministry that they miss opportunities the Lord puts before them.
  • Visitation pastors to listen to who He directs them to visit instead of just going through the motions of visiting the sick, visitors, etc.
  • Administrative pastors to not miss opportunities to love with His love because of working on the administration side of the church.
  • Prime-time pastors to realize the need for intergenerational communication.
  • Retired pastors to not feel like they are done in ministry but instead to seek His will for what He desire of them.
I love how He gives me prayers for pastors. I am grateful for people who pray for us. Yesterday when I told a man soliciting donations I was sorry but I was a pastor and we had needs ourselves he looked at me so funny. I wondered if it was because I was a female but then realized I was dressed in work clothes with drywall dust all over me. I told Mike about the conversation and we laughed. I'm a 'working pastor' who will do whatever God needs me to do. I minister in whatever way He puts before me. Sometimes that's sitting with my four-legged buddy in the comfort of our home. Sometimes it's doing things I don't enjoy doing such as taping off the baseboards for painting. Sometimes it's having a 'tough' conversation with someone who needs to be open to what the Lord desires in their life. No matter what the circumstances, I'm His willing servant. He woke me this morning to these words...

With every heartbeat in my chest
Lord, I surrender all that I have
The days yet to come, the days in the past
I'm giving You all I am
With lifted hands, with lifted hands

Yes! I am all His. I am ready to do whatever He desires of me to do. I will walk the road of obedience to His will for as long as He has me on this earth. Why? Because I know when I live for Him on this earth in the manner He desires I will live with Him in heaven for eternity. Woo hoo! Oh how I pray for more people to have the desire in their heart to do the same. I pray for people to stand upon II Timothy 1:7 so the Lord can empower them to be who He has called them to be. The things of this world, circumstances we find ourselves in, etc. are nothing to God other than opportunities to grow our faith. He is greater than anything that comes our way. As we seek Him more, our faith will become greater than we can ever imagine. 

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for another Saturday night of praying for pastors! Thank You for the specifics You gave me to pray! Father, be with my pastor today. I pray Your blessings of healing over Doc. I pray for Your strength to be his today. Lord, go before him and lead the way to where You want him to be and what You desire of him to accomplish. May today not be a day in bed but a day of life. Lord, I pray for cleansing in my spirit so You can fill me to overflowing with more of You. May I be more intentional in loving with Your love today. Once again, I pray for all pastors to be in right relationship with You so they can not only hear Your voice but walk in obedience to it. I especially pray for pastors with disease/illness to feel Your presence in their life and for their caretakers to feel Your strength. I also pray for pastors who are discouraged in the ministry You have them to seek more of You for Your guidance. I pray for our building situation to have open doors with finances, workers, etc. Thank You Jesus for being My Lord! Amen.


Sandi said...

"Youth pastors to realize the importance of purity in their own lives as they are an example to their teens."

Amen. It is so important!

My Strength said...

Yes! Sometimes I don't think we realize who is watching us and the impact we have on their lives!