Saturday, July 4, 2015

Matthew 19:26 - "Something Beautiful"

These flowers growing out of the side of the wall in 
Jerusalem are a great reminder of Matthew 19:26...

The Lord never ceases to amaze me. I know I should never be surprised at what He does but I am. Yesterday was one of those times where He blew me away with a blessing that encouraged my soul so greatly. I am so bummed right now at not being able to be doing what I am called to do as Medical Chaplain. Yet He gives me a glimpse of it from time to time. A couple weeks ago I was able to be with a friend and her family as she went through a tough cancer surgery. Yesterday we received a call of one who appears to be in her last days. With Doc having pneumonia he couldn't go but he was able to drive me to spend some time with her and her family. I was blessed to see her smile when I talked about Mordecei, to calm down when I sang "Victory In Jesus" and to shake her head when I asked if she wanted me to pray with her. God blessed me in abundance in those few minutes in so many ways. First of all to allow me to minister to them was a huge blessing. For Doc to be well enough to drive me there was a blessing. To have the physical, mental and emotional strength to do it was a blessing.

I woke up this morning to a song Steven Curtis Chapman sings called Something Beautiful and was once again blessed. This song is about brokenness and how God will turn it around. As I was singing it I thought "God, how does this apply to me? I'm not broken." I was not surprised to hear His reply...
Lord: "Daughter, the brokenness you are experiencing through this exasperation is what I am talking about. I have called You for a specific task. You still have that call even though you are going through this time. Be patient. I am with You."
Me: "But Lord I just want to be Your servant and follow the call on my life..."
Lord: "And do you not think you are doing that?"
Me: "I am but these physical issues limit what I can do."
Lord: "What did I remind You of yesterday? Nothing is impossible with me. These physical limitations are here to teach you how to do things differently."
Me: "Please open my eyes to what and how I am to be You to others."
Lord: "You are doing just fine."
Me: "But I don't feel like I am when I don't even leave the house much."
Lord: "Daughter, who is in control?"
Me: "You are."
Lord: "Exactly. I take care of all details. You just need to follow my lead."
Me: "Thank You for this reminder."
Lord: "I love you, Daughter."
Me: "I love you too."

I am excited as I sing these words...

He is going to turn this flair-up into something different in my life...something good...He is going to take all the broken pieces and make something beautiful. A key in this song and in the conversation I had with the Lord this morning is that He is in control and can turn things around. 

Something beautiful
Something beautiful
Something beautiful
Put all the pieces in His hands
And watch Him turn it into something beautiful

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for this conversation this morning. Thank You for blessing me in abundance yesterday. Thank You for the way You will bless me today. Lord, You are so awesome. I love You so much and want to be pleasing in all I do and say. The desire of my heart is for people to see You in me. I pray for more of You and less of me so that will happen. Fill me to overflowing...use me in whatever manner You so desire...touch me with a mental, emotional and physical healing. Thank You Jesus for being My Possible! Amen.

1 comment:

Shelly said...

I enjoy hearing your wisdom and insight and appreciate you sharing them.