Friday, July 10, 2015

John 13:34-35 - "Overcomer"

I am so grateful to be living in this time. I remember my Momma telling about how life was for her when she was a new Momma. They lived far away from people. She had four babies before she was twenty-one. My Daddy worked all day and I believe had to walk to work part of the time which meant he was gone long hours. She told of sitting in the middle of the floor with the kids all around her, some crying and her crying with them. I can't imagine the loneliness she had. I need to be around people. I am a people-person or as my hubby says I am a social butterfly. It's funny how Mordecei has taken on that trait too. He loves people to come visit. 

Yesterday we were both blessed with people coming. The afternoon was spent making cards with three young girls. I enjoyed their creativity, their conversation, their love and most importantly when they were ready to leave I even had a hug from one of them. Oh my, how Miriam's hug blessed me. Before card making I had a nice visit with their Granny Joan. After card making I had another friend come over to have some time in the Word. By the end of the day I was tired but my tank was replenished.

God created us to be good examples for others. He created us to be loving to even those who are hard to love. He created us to be a beacon of light in a dark world. But how can one do that when they can't leave their home? How can one love on people without being with them? Those are questions that challenge me right now. It is hard to be dependent on someone else to take me places. I am so use to being able to go whenever I desire yet that is not my way of life right now. I had to learn to be creative in how to reach others. Cards and letters have always been a way to encourage people. Phone calls have lessened because a lot of times I feel like my cognitive skills are not up to making calls. It breaks my heart to have to tell people 'no' when they ask to stop by but sometimes due to the way I am feeling I have to say it. 

That takes me back to being grateful for living in this time. I am grateful life is not like it was when I was growing up and my Momma had to watch the minutes she was on the phone talking with her Momma. I remember so many times my Daddy having a fit when the phone bill came. Praise the Lord for free long distance! Praise the Lord for internet! Even when I can't physically 'visit' I can still do so through it. The nice thing about the internet is that I can do it when I am up to it. It doesn't replace human touch...hugs, holding hands while praying, etc but it does encourage me to be able to communicate with others.

In John 13:34-35 it reads,

34 “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. 35 By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”

Yes! I want people to see His love in me. That's the part that is difficult right now with being at home so much. How can they see His love in me if they can't see me? For now, at this particular stage of life they will see it through my written words and my spoken words. I have to tell myself every day that the Lord is with me...He has not left me...He has a reason for this flair-up...He knows the outcome and of course, a biggy is that I must not allow the enemy any foothold into my life. I must not allow depression to kick in. I must not allow sadness to overtake me. I must not allow the feeling of failure to overtake me. I must remember the words to Mandisa's song called "Overcomer"....

You're an overcomer
Stay in the fight ‘til the final round
You're not going under
‘Cause God is holding you right now
You might be down for a moment
Feeling like it's hopeless
That's when He reminds You
That you're an overcomer
You're an overcomer

YES! I am an "overcomer" and I will not go down! I will allow the Lord to work through this flair-up and be glorified through it. 'I will not' nor 'I can't' nor 'I won't' nor 'I don't know' BUT 'I will'!!!! Woo hoo! 

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for the reminders this morning on how I need to allow You to work in and through this flair-up. Thank You for the ones who came over yesterday and blessed me so mightily. Thank You for the physical strength You empowered me with. Father, today I get to go out and be in the world. I know it is just for therapy but there are people there that need to see You. Ooze out of me in such a way that people will have the desire to know You. Fill me to overflowing so there is no doubt that You are my God! Woo hoo! I am so excited to see how You will be glorified in my day! Thank You Jesus for being My Greatest Cheerleader! Amen.

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