Tuesday, January 7, 2020

II Timothy 1:7; Romans 15; Psalm 42:5 - "I Have This Hope"

Sometimes life throws us a curve ball. We have to decide whether we will 'stay in the game' and trust God or 'take a strike' at it and allow the enemy an open door. Is it wrong to doubt? Does doubting show a lesser faith? I believe doubting takes our faith deeper. Once again this morning the Lord woke me with these words...

As I walk this great unknown
Questions come and questions go
Was there purpose for the pain?
Did I cry these tears in vain?

I don't want to live in fear
I want to trust that You are near
Trust Your grace can be seen
In both triumph and tragedy

I have this hope
In the depth of my soul
In the flood or the fire
You're with me and You won't let go

Yes! God is with me no matter what happens. He is with me to encourage me through the flood or the fire. But even when He is with me doubts can still creep in. I am so grateful for the way He encourages me through the doubts. He took me to Romans 15 this morning which encourages me greatly to have hope in life no matter what comes my way. Verses four through seven read in The Passion Translation:

Whatever was written beforehand is meant to instruct us in how to live. The Scriptures impart to us encouragement and inspiration so that we can live in hope and endure all things. Now may God, the source of great endurance and comfort, grace you with unity among yourselves, which flows from your relationship with Jesus, the Anointed One. Then, with a unanimous rush of passion, you will with one voice glorify God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. You will bring God glory when you accept and welcome one another as partners, just as the Anointed One has fully accepted you and received you as his partner.
I love these words that encourage me to be in His Word. That is where I will find encouragement in times of doubt. It is where I will find the strength to carry on when the enemy tries to tear me down. His Word is all I need to continue on the path He has put before me. Verse thirteen is the 'icing on the cake' for me this morning.

13 Now may God, the inspiration and fountain of hope, fill you to overflowing with uncontainable joy and perfect peace as you trust in him. And may the power of the Holy Spirit continually surround your life with his super-abundance until you radiate with hope!
Yes! I want to radiate with hope! The way for this to happen is for me to be empowered by the Holy Spirit as I stand upon II Timothy 1:7. I do not have to fear the unknown because nothing is unknown to God. He already knows the way this chapter of my story works out. All I have to do is trust Him and wait on Him. I do not need to figure things out on how to take care of things because He already has them figured out. I do not have to fear the unknown but instead rest in Him and wait for His revelation. Woo hoo! There is such freedom in such living! David's words in Psalm 42:5 are a great reminder to me today.

So then, my soul, why would you be depressed?
Why would you sink into despair?
Just keep hoping and waiting on God, your Savior.
For no matter what, I will still sing with praise,
for living before his face is my saving grace!

Yes! I will sing praises to Him no matter what happens in the day ahead. He will guide me to live out His will as I allow Him to. I will keep in the forefront of my mind that living before His face is my saving grace! Woo hoo!

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for Your love, mercy, and grace! Thank You for again providing me with ten hours of sleep! Thank You for giving me these reminders through the song and Scripture of what I need to do throughout this chapter of my life! Lord, keep my focus on You by cleansing me so You can fill me! May I not try to 'fix' things with a current situation but instead wait on You to work things out. Lord, I want to radiate with hope so others will desire relationship with You. I pray Your empowerment to do so. I also pray Your empowerment over Doc as he frets over tomorrow's chemo. Lord, be greater than the anxiety of this situation for Him. I pray He has Your hope as he waits on the healing You will provide. The waiting is so hard in the flesh. I pray Your empowerment over him so his faith will go deeper and You will become more real to him. I also pray for Mike as he waits for Your healing with his heart issues. I praise You for Dale's good appointment yesterday. I also continue to pray for Mike; my two pastor friends; Mick; Kandi; Tiffany's Father; Carrington's neighbor; Elizabeth's neighbor; Rita; Little Richie; Phil's granddaughter; and so many others who are dealing with cancer. May You be their Hope during these times of unknown. Lord, go before me today and be my words, actions, and attitude in a new, different way. May I be more intentional in loving others with Your love. Thank You for being My Fountain of Hope! Amen.

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