Monday, January 6, 2020

II Timothy 1:7 - "I Have This Hope"

I woke up to the words of Tenth Avenue North's song I Have This Hope and felt so blessed.

I have this hope
In the depth of my soul
In the flood or the fire
You're with me and You won't let go

God is always with me. He always knows what I need and provides for me in abundance. I was blessed again with sleeping ten hours last night. He provided a nap for me yesterday after the board luncheon. He knows what my physical body needs and provides. He provided time with family over Christmas. He knew my emotional tank needed filled. He continues to provide encouragement from people because He knows I need to feel loved. In the flood or the fire holds great meaning to me. These days of dealing with cancer in Doc's pancreas are not fun. In fact, many are pretty nasty. Seeing my husband be physically, mentally, and emotionally beat down is the pits. It's one of the hardest things I've ever lived through. These days could be considered the flood because they seem to keep 'taking us under' in so many ways. They also could be considered the fire because God is using them to refine or purify us. He is taking us deeper in our faith through this ordeal. I have to remember...

So, whatever happens I will not be afraid
Cause You are closer than this breath that I take
You calm the storm when I hear You call my name
I still believe that one day I'll see Your face

Yes! We have the hope of eternal life through our relationship with Christ while on this earth. He will provide us with exactly what we need as we allow Him. We have nothing to fear when we stand in this Hope. As we stand upon II Timothy 1:7 He will empower us to be who He has called us to be. Yesterday I was reminded that I need to be more intentional in loving with His love. I need to be more intentional in walking in obedience to His will. Intentional. I like that word and I'm grateful God reminded me of it. Woo hoo! It was not a coincidence of this reminder. He knew it was the perfect time for it. Sometimes we get caught up in doing things as we've always done them and miss opportunities He puts before us. Lord, forgive me for such times. Sometimes we 'think' we know what He wants of us but we haven't spent enough time with Him to truly know. Lord, forgive me for such times. Sometimes we allow others to direct our path instead of Him. Lord, forgive me for such times. I am going to be more intentional in not allowing these times to happen. I am going to be more intentional in living in His presence where I not only hear His voice but walk in obedience to Him. I am going to be more intentional in living out II Timothy 1:7.

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for the way You love on me so greatly! Thank You for giving me the word intentional to focus on and this song to encourage me! Thank You for the fun time with the board luncheon yesterday! Thank You for putting these people in our lives! Thank You for a solid ten hours of sleep last night! Thank You for the opportunities ahead in this day to be intentional on loving with Your love! For that to happen, I need a cleansing in my spirit so You can fill me to overflowing with more of You. Father, I pray for Doc as he awaits the chemo on Wednesday. Lord, these days are not only hard physically but so, so hard emotionally and mentally. May You be greater than the agony he is experiencing. May You shine brightly in his life so the cancer does not take up his every thought. Thank You for the encouragement he received by standing to preach yesterday! I also pray for Nancy and Corrie as they are on this new journey of widowhood. I pray for Jim, Shirley, Pattie, Patricia, Renee, June, and others whose journey is new in the last few months. Lord, may You be their Comforter especially in times where the hurt is overwhelming with not having their spouse with them. Father, go before me today and keep my eyes open to what You desire of me. May Your words, actions, and attitude be mine today in a more intentional way! Thank You for being My Hope! Amen.

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