Wednesday, January 29, 2020

II Timothy 1:7 - "Healer"

Two nights in a row the Lord has woke me up at 4:02 to pray for protection over an individual. I am graateful to have the privilege to pray for people but it is times like this that I just want to call them or go to them to check on them. Of course, I can't do that so I have to trust God in the process. Standing on II Timothy 1:7 comes into play in such situations. I cannot fear because fear will give the enemy an open door. Instead I must stand in God's love and empowerment. I must allow the Holy Spirit to lead me where and how He so desires. Yesterday as I was walking down the hall of an assisted living facility I heard someone yelling 'help'! My first instinct was to go to help but the Holy Spirit stopped me and told me to go get a worker. If I would have went in, they would have wanted me to get them up and that would have not been a good idea. I am so grateful for the way I not only hear His voice but I walk in obedience to it. As we prayed before going to bed we talked about how everything that is going on in life is in God's hands. We cannot fret over things because the enemy will pounce on that fret. We cannot allow circumstances to take our focus off of God. We cannot allow the 'what ifs' to settle in our minds. Instead we need to not only put everything in God's hands but then we need to leave them there. God already knows the results of Doc's CT appointment Friday. He already knows the outcome of the building rehab. He already knows when Doc will be healed. Plain and simple. He already knows. Can we change His mind? In our humanness we may want things to happen sooner than later but when You live in the Spirit you trust Him in knowing He knows what is best and what time it should or shouldn't happen. He brought this song to my heart this morning...

You hold my every moment
You calm my raging seas
You walk with me through fire
And heal all my disease
I trust in You, I trust in You

I believe You're my healer
I believe You are all I need
I believe

And I believe You're my portion
I believe You're more than enough for me
Jesus You're all I need

Yes! He is my Healer! He has healed me physically, mentally, emotionally, financially, and most of all spiritually many times. I believe He is all I need at all time. I believe He is with me in the storms of life in a way a lot of people can't understand. Yesterday I heard this song on the radio and started thinking about You walk with me through fire. Fire is not always a bad thing. Fire can purify. It can get rid of stuff not needed in life. Boiled water is taken to an extremely high temperature to be purified. When we walk through fire, we are being cleansed and purified. To me 'tough' days can be related to walking through fire. I am being cleansed and purified more for Christ as I draw closer and deeper in my faith. I am being cleansed and purified more for Christ as I allow Him to have all of me for His will. I am being cleansed and purified more for Christ as I focus on Him instead of myself. Plain and simple. I am being cleansed and purified more for Christ through the fire. Praise His Holy Name!

Dear Jesus,
I'm sorry for falling apart yesterday. I'm sorry I allowed by humanness to take over. Lord, please forgive me. Please cleanse me this morning so You can fill me with Your Holy Spirit. Go before me today wherever You send me and have Your love flow generously from me. I pray for Your words, actions, attitude, and thoughts to be mine. I pray for Doc to have a 'good' day where he feels more like himself. Thank You for this week off from chemo for him. Thank You for him being able to do what You have called him to do these last couple of days. Thank You for connecting us with one we haven't heard from in years. It was such a blessing to hear he has not only accepted You in his heart but is now in ministry because of "the love and compassion given to everyone" that he saw in Doc and I. Thank You for going before us today with whatever You have us do and whoever You put before us! Lord, may our focus stay on You! Father, I pray for this one You woke me up for the last two nights to pray for. I pray protection over him. I ask Your strength over: Kim and her children; Jim; June; Shirley; Mike; Mick; Mandy's Daddy; Mike; Nancy; Bonnie and her family with the loss of her brother; and so many others who are going through 'tough' days. I pray each of them will focus on You. Lord, be greater than their needs. Thank You Jesus for being My Healer! Amen.

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