Saturday, January 18, 2020

II Timothy 1:7; Job 1; I Peter 5:8 - "Here In Your Presence"

This morning God took me to Job 1 to read. Job's story is one that is hard to comprehend. I remember studying it with the teens in Willard. It brought up a lot of questions. One thing in this chapter that was hard for many to comprehend is the conversation between satan and God. I was questioned if God speaks to satan. We know satan was an angel who fell from heaven. In this particular Scripture we see that satan came before God with the other angels. The angels in this Scripture are also known as Sons of God. We are Sons of God while on this earth when we believe and live for God. We converse with God in His spiritual presence without being in His physical presence. Was satan having this conversation with Him in His spiritual or physical presence is a question to be answered. Also, if this conversation was in the physical presence how can that be when satan was not living for God? Do non-believers have the capability of being in His presence? Deuteronomy 4 tells us He created man to hear His voice. Therefore, everyone can hear His voice if they choose to. Does that mean everyone lives in His presence? No. A few years back I heard His voice yet I was not living in His presence, 24/7. I was not walking in obedience as He desired of me. It was kind of like I was playing the part of being a Christian yet not truly living as He desired. Did He still love me? Of course. Did He still use me as His servant? Of course. Did satan have more open doors into my life then compared to now? Of course because I allowed him. One thing many believers struggle with is when the enemy attacks they have given him an open door. This is confusing when you are doing everything in your power to not allow him into your life. In verse eight God described Job: Then the Lord said to Satan, “Have you considered my servant Job? There is no one on earth like him; he is blameless and upright, a man who fears God and shuns evil.” Job was doing everything possible to live a life for God. Satan wanted to destroy Job. Why? Because satan does not like anyone living for God. He wants everyone to spend eternity in hell with him, not with God in heaven. The Lord gave satan permission to attack Job's life but the Lord never took His protection off of him. This is an interesting part to Job's story. The enemy is always out to get believers. There is nothing better for him than to tear someone's spirituality apart. We must always be on our guard. That means we must stay living in God's presence, asking for a cleansing in our spirit daily. I Peter 5:8 reads, Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Satan is real. His tactics are ones that are sneaky. He will do anything to get us. In Job's story, satan took everything Job had from him but he could not take God out of his life. When we are tested, we must be strong in our faith so we do not crumble. God does not cause 'bad' things to happen to us but there are times He will not stop them. His purpose is to draw us deeper in our faith so we will live with Him for eternity. 'Take me deeper' should be the cry of all believers every day we are on this earth. I pray daily for Him to cleanse me so He can fill me with more of His Holy Spirit. As He does, I am empowered to stand upon II Timothy 1:7 and live as He desires. I not only hear His voice but I walk in obedience to it. Woo hoo! This is the way I love living!

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for Your Word that encourages me greatly! Thank You for loving me so much that You protect me from the enemy! Father, I pray You will take my faith deeper. Cleanse me so You can fill me with more of Your Holy Spirit so I can walk in Your presence. Lord, thank You for Doc's day being decent yesterday. Thank You for Joshua who helped him get the flat tire fixed. Father, may today be another decent day for him. I pray for: Jordan and Tim who are exchanging vows this afternoon; Garnet as she awaits surgery; my pastor friend who started chemo back this week; the SC pastors and spouses at retreat to be encouraged and renewed in their spirits; Bonnie with infection; my friend whose marriage is dissolving to have wisdom; my friends seeking the church You desire them to be in; Brad and his family with the loss of his grandmother; and many with spiritual needs. Thank You Father for being My Presence! Amen.

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