Monday, January 13, 2020

II Timothy 1:7; Exodus 14:14 - "Even Then"

God woke me up with a song Micah Tyler sings on my mind. These words encourage me greatly to not give up.

On the nights when the dark last a little bit longer
When the wind and the storm is a little bit stronger
When the fear in my heart dips a little bit deeper
When my faith to stand gets a little bit weaker

Where could I run to?
Where could I go?

Even when it feels like my world is shaken
Even when I've had all that I can take
I know
You never let me go
And even when the waters won't stop rising
Even when I'm caught in the dead of a night
I know
No matter how it ends
You're with me even then

Yes! God is always with me. He is always here to encourage me, to love on me, and to protect me from the enemy. He gave me II Timothy 1:7 to show me what it takes to stand firm in my faith. I do not have to fear anything, not even C. I do not have to allow the fear the  enemy tries to put on me. I do not have to give into the enemy's ways but instead I can be empowered by the Holy Spirit to be the godly woman He has called me to be. Yesterday in Sunday School I was reminded of the words Moses (Exodus 14:14) told the Israelites when they were going through the wilderness. "The LORD will fight for you; you need only to be still" (NIV). In the ERV version it reads, "The LORD shall fight for you, and ye shall hold your peace." His peace is what one receives when they live in His presence. It doesn't matter what Your circumstances, His peace is with You. It is kind of hard to explain because in our flesh it doesn't make sense to have peace in the midst of the battle of C. It doesn't make sense that you can lose a loved one yet have peace. It doesn't make sense there be any way possible to have peace when the bills are coming and the finances are not there. Plain and simple. His peace doesn't make sense when we are living in the flesh. His peace does make sense when we are living in His presence with His Holy Spirit guiding us. Woo hoo! I do not have to figure things out because the Lord already knows the outcome. I do not have to fret because the Lord already has things taken care of. He gives me His wisdom to use in the process but I do not have to know every little detail. All I have to do is trust Him to empower me through the tough days. I love these words of this song that remind me as I live for Him, He is there for me every way possible. Woo hoo!

And even in the middle of a struggle
And even when it's hard to remember
You alone are my defense when
I'm standing on your promises and I know
That even in the thick of the battle
And even through the valley of the shadows
You alone are my defense when
I'm standing on your promises

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for the opportunities to be Your servant yesterday! Thank You for giving me Your peace to preach! Thank You for Doc's fever breaking! I pray it will not come back today. Thank You for being with him and encouraging him through these 'tough' days! Father, cleanse me so You can fill me today with more of Your Holy Spirit. May You ooze out of me so greatly. May I walk more intentionally in Your love today than ever before. Father, I pray You will be with: Steve; Shirley; Angie; Corey; Kenneth; Dean; June; Baby Finn; Little Richie; Brad and his family; and so many others who need Your touch. Some need a physical touch, some an emotional, mental, or financial touch but most of all I pray for those who need a spiritual touch. May You be greater than what is before them today. I pray more people will have the desire in their heart to live in Your presence. I pray for more to receive the peace that only You can give. I pray for more believers to share Your love. Lord, go before me today and not only put opportunities before me but keep my focus on You so I do not miss them. Thank You for being My Defense! Amen!

1 comment:

My Strength said...

I am sorry such junk as what is above is on here. I will try to figure out a way to have it removed!