Saturday, January 11, 2020

II Timothy 1:7; Exodus 14:14 - "Fighting For Me"

I woke up during the night several times with these words going through my mind...

When the going gets tough
And my strengths not enough
I see You showing up like never before
This battle for my heart
You took on from the start
You are the peace when my mind's at war
And oh...

You will never stop fighting for me
When I can't fight for myself
Every word is a promise You keep
Cause You love me like nobody else
You stand up for me in the darkest night
When my faith is weak You're still by my side
You will never stop fighting for me

God is so good to encourage me. He is so good to put people, Scripture, music, etc. before me to remind me He is with me. He put this picture before me yesterday...

I needed this reminder. We do not go through anything that God has not already experienced. Nothing is a surprise to Him. He already knows what we will go through. He knew yesterday how I would be feeling. I can't explain what caused my body to want to shut down but I am guessing it was because of how Doc was feeling. When the stress/emotions hit, my body sometimes reacts as it did last night. All I could do was rest and allow God to love on me in the way only He can do. I'm so grateful to have Him in my life. I also am grateful for the way He speaks to me. He is so good! I know He will never stop fighting for me. The enemy is out to destroy but I refuse to allow that to happen. Instead I will stand on II Timothy 1:7 and allow God to empower me however He desires. I will lean into His strength not only when mine is gone but at all time. I will walk in His will so I can not only hear His voice but walk in obedience to it. My faith will remain strong because I know God is with me. I don't know where we are headed with the C in Doc's pancreas but God knows and that is all that matters. During the 'tough' days He is there and for that I am grateful. The enemy is fighting to take us down but with God's empowerment that will not happen. Instead our faith will grow stronger. Our love for Him will grow deeper and our pursuit to live a live of obedience to Him will become more real than ever before. Woo hoo! I am standing on Moses' words to his people in Exodus 14:14. The Lord Himself will fight for you. Just stay calm (NLT).
Dear Jesus,
Thank You for the way You showed Yourself to me yesterday when my body shut down! Thank You for encouraging me with words, Scripture, music, etc! Thank You for always going before me and paving the way for me to stand in Your empowerment! Thank You for being with us with the 'tough' days we are experiencing! Thank You for the oncologist calling me back so quickly yesterday! The medical field here in South Carolina is so different than what we experienced in Ohio. Thank You for that! Father, may You be Doc's strength. May You empower him to be who You have called him to be. I pray the fever stay gone today and for his body to rest in Your healing. May You be greater than any aches and pains he has. I also thank You for Roger's surgery not showing any stones and Finn being moved to a different room! Woo hoo! May You continue to be with them and their families. Lord, I pray for a cleansing in my spirit so You can fill me to overflowing with more of You and less of me. May You shine greatly through me today in my words, actions, and attitude. I pray You will continue to give wisdom and strength to Ross and Mary with their loved ones health issues. Thank You Jesus for being The One To Empower Me! Amen.

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