Tuesday, October 15, 2019

II Timothy 1:7


Yesterday was a different kind of day for me. My day started with devotions but I didn't have my laptop so I did them 'old school.' Then spending time with Ben's family was a good kind of different. As we sat around the lunch table holding hands and singing the prayer my heart felt like it would explode! Watching the kids open their little gifts, playing cards and out in the yard, hearing "Grandma Sheila" from several at the same time, getting lots of hugs and lovins'...oh my, my heart was full. I can only imagine how my Heavenly Daddy feels when we spend time with Him! I know how hard it is to be away from my family so I know just a part of how He must feel. I don't think I will ever understand why God took us so far from family but I've accepted it because I know we are living in His will. This trip to Ohio was one we didn't think would happen due to the chemo but I'm so blessed the oncologist gave the OK. I'm thankful for the same miles to get here and the strength to drive them. I depended upon II Timothy 1:7 so much over the last couple of days. God is so good at providing exactly what we need, when we need it. Woo hoo! As I sat and watched the interaction of the kids yesterday I thought about how much I needed this time with family. Once again, God knew the need and provided. I'm so grateful for all the ways He takes care of not only my needs but the desires of my heart. Today as I am out of my 'normal' I pray God will lay upon me to love all I see. I pray for people to hear and see Him through me today. Most of all I pray He will allow me to cherish every moment of this time with family. 

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for blessing me in abundance with so much of You! Thank You for loving me so greatly! Thank You for providing strength in not only my body but especially in Doc's body. Yesterday as he slept while I drove after leaving Ben's I knew it was a 'good' tired with being able to play with the kids. Today is a new day. I don't know what it holds but I know who does and that is all that matters. I know He will cleanse me so He can give me opportunities to be Him to all I meet. I also know He will provide strength and wisdom throughout this day. I pray He will provide healing in my sister so I can see her this week. I also pray for continued strength for Doc so he can not just get through this week but enjoy it in the process. Thank You Jesus for being My Provider! Amen.

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