Monday, October 28, 2019

II Timothy 1:7 - "Yes I Will"

Last night was a night of being woke up multiple times to pray. My heart is heavy for so many going through 'tough' days. Once again the words to Yes, I Will were going through my head and once again I wondered how some can continue praising God through the storms of life. The only way is to have deep faith. But how do people get through such times without Him? I was visiting with my ninety-six year old neighbor yesterday when this topic came up. She prayers continually while she crochets afghans for shut-ins; little hats for preemies; and hats for cancer patients. She is such an inspiration to me and I miss our daily visits since our circumstances have changed. I am so grateful for her and her prayers for us. After my Daddy and my friend Lenore left this earth I felt like my prayer support was gone. Maybe not completely gone but I knew there were a whole lot less prayers being sent up for me. I'm grateful to have people all over who pray for me. I'm grateful to have ones who pray for me when I do not have words and all I have to do is cry out to them for their prayers. My prayer life can get very heavy with requests. I'm grateful for the way God has allowed me to pray and leave it in His hands. I do not have to fret over anyone or any situation. All I have to do is give it to the Lord. He was given me the privilege to be a prayer warrior intercessor. I receive requests from people from all over. Sometimes I wonder why they don't just pray themselves but then realize many do but they feel the need for extra prayers. My prayers are nothing special. I speak to God. I listen to Him. I wait upon Him. I know there are many who have not come to the realization that praying is more than just asking God for things or for situations to be changed. Praying is a relationship with two-way communication. Praying becomes a deeper act of love when we can hear His voice. Praying can become a way of life as we allow God to use us in such a manner. I wish I could explain it so more people would grasp it. My prayer life is a big part of my life. If I didn't have it, I'm not sure I could continue to exist. He encourages and directs me through my conversations with Him. His love is poured into me through our communication. Not only is it poured into me but it flows out of me. Woo hoo! I just don't know how people live with Him. That is the reason I strive to share Him as much as I can. Sometimes that sharing is done boldly and other times it is done discreetly. Sometimes I feel Him working in me through the way people see me praise Him during the 'tough' days. I feel like I have not been praising Him enough lately and that is why this song has been on my heart for the last few days. Or perhaps it is because there are so many going through 'tough' days and I need to show them how to praise Him during these times. No matter what the reason, I will praise Him!

Yes I will, lift You high in the lowest valley
Yes I will, bless Your name
Oh, yes I will, sing for joy when my heart is heavy
For all my days, oh yes I will

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for the privilege to pray for so many people! Thank You for the way You encourage me through our communication! Thank You for loving me so greatly! Thank You for giving Doc the strength to not only go to church yesterday but to enjoy lunch out afterward! Thank You for my visit with Grammy yesterday! Lord, continue to use her as a prayer warrior. I pray the same for myself. I know before You can use me for Your glory You first must cleanse me. May that happen right now so You can fill me with more of You. May You be my words, actions, and attitude throughout this day. I know what is on the calendar but You know what You desire for me to do today. May it become reality. May I not miss any opportunity to share Your love with those You put in my path. Father, I'm praying for so many going through 'tough' times to find a reason to praise You today. Doc; Mike; Mike; Maxine; two couples whose marriages are ending; Kenny and his family; Little Richie; Little Finn; Little Natalie; my friend out of the pulpit and seeking God's will; a friend recently diagnosed with Alzheimer's; Kristen with the sudden death of her niece; a friend who has been without work for an extended period of time; Will and Sandy as they continue to work to make the complete move to South Carolina; my friends Shirley, Jim, and Renee as they continue to adjust to being without their spouses; and so many others. May each one of these people find a reason to praise You today. May each of them realize a II Timothy 1:7 type of life. Thank You Jesus for being My Praise Motivator! Amen.

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