Thursday, October 3, 2019

II Timothy 1:7; Phil 4:13; Neh 8:10b; Eph 6; II Chron 20:15 - "Battles"

I was reading yesterday about a man who was practicing living in the presence of God. He was given an opportunity to share God's love with an individual but every time he was with them he struggled with speaking what God was telling him to say. This went on for several months without him being able to verbalize what he was told. He begin to write down things and leave where they would be found. He wrote down parts of visions God gave him for the individual and when they were read the individual was shocked on how he could know such things. He kicked himself over and over again in not being able to be bold enough to verbalize what God gave him. In the end, the person came into relationship with the Lord through his writings. We never know how God will use us or who will be impacted by our words or actions. God can use everyone who will die to self and give Him free reign over their life. There is nothing to fear in living such a life. II Timothy 1:7 tells us He doesn't give us fear in our spirit but instead empowers us to love with His love. This verse points us in the direction to live in His presence so we can be empowered to live in His strength. If this man would not have been living in His presence, he would not have been in relationship with God to where he could not only hear God's voice but walk in obedience to it. Even when he struggled with not being bold enough to speak what God gave him, the Lord provided a way for him to impact this person's life. We must never think we are not good enough or can't do something God puts before us. We are good enough because He loves us. We can do what He asks when we allow Him to be in control of our life. Right now where I am in life I feel like my life is full of 'why's?' and 'if only's' but I cannot allow the enemy to pull me under. I must stand firm in my faith and allow God to work in and through me. There will be times where I will give into my emotions and fall apart and that's ok. God created me with emotions and expects that to happen. He knows as a human being I need that release. He knows how soothing tears can be. He also knows I won't stay in that place but instead will lean into Him more for His strength. Yesterday was a 'nasty' day but today is a new day. I don't know what is ahead. It might even be another 'nasty' day and if it is, that's ok. God's got it in His hands. He knows what is ahead and will empower me through it. I have put on His armor (Ephesians 6) and ready for the day. I am standing not only on II Timothy 1:7 but also on Philippians 4:13 as I begin today. I will remember the words of Nehemiah 8:10b throughout this day. I also will remember nothing I go through has to be done in my own strength. I have surrendered my life to Him. Therefore, the battles that come my way are His (II Chronicles 20:15). Praise His Holy Name!

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for the promises from Your Word this morning! Thank You for reminding me that anything that comes before me today is in Your hands! Thank You for creating me with emotions and allowing me to be cleanse through them! Thank You for being with Doc as he started back with the chemo! Thank You for being with him today as he goes through the after effects of the treatment! May You use the chemo to heal him. May You be greater than the effects of it in him. I pray he will seek You today in a new, different way so he can experience You more than ever. Father, cleanse me so You can fill me so I can do the same. Be greater than anything that comes our way today. I pray the same for my friend Lynn with her new diagnosis. Father, thank You for being Our Strength! Amen.

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