Sunday, October 13, 2019

II Timothy 1:7; Phil 4:13 & 19; Gal 5:19-23; James 1:2-4; Joshua 1:9 - "Everything"

I love that the Lord lays on my heart to pray for pastors on Saturday nights. Yesterday He brought to my mind to pray for pastors with Saturday night services. He had me pray for them to have physical strength for Saturday nights and Sundays. He also had me pray for pastors with multiple Sunday morning services along with those who preach both Sunday morning and Sunday evening. He brought to my mind to pray for NCO pastors who are on retreat with their spouses to be refreshed and renewed. There are many pastors who are struggling with disease in their bodies such as Doc and two pastor friends with cancer. He had me pray for them to not give up praying for a miracle. He had me pray for Steve for strength through these tough days with Peggy getting closer to leaving this earth. I had a tough time going to sleep last night and did not sleep well so I was awake often. Sometimes I think God does allow sleep to happen so I will pray more. There sure were a lot of prayers sent up overnight. I'm grateful for the way He uses me as an intercessor. I'm thankful for the privilege to pray for some people I don't even know or haven't seen for awhile along with those in my daily life. I woke up this morning with the words to a song Toby Mac sings that blesses me in abundance.

I see You in everything, all day
And every beat of my heart keeps reminding me
I see You in every little thing, all day
No matter where I go I know Your love is finding me
I see You in everything
You're all up in everything

Yes! I do see Him throughout my days but I also see Him during my nights as He speaks to me and works through me. I feel His love twenty-four seven which is a great gift. Hearing His voice prompt me to do or say something is a part of my life I never want to take advantage of. Instead I want to bless Him as I not only listen to Him but as I walk in obedience to Him. Oh how I pray for more people to come into this type of relationship with Him. I pray for more pastors to find this type of relationship. As I was praying overnight, God had me pray for pastors just starting out in ministry to find this type of life. He had me pray for the young lady who just received her second district license to seek more of Him on her journey. He also had me pray for those who are reaching the end of their vocational ministry to realize it is never too late to go deeper in their faith. He had me pray for a pastor friend who has been out of the pulpit to continue to seek His will for the days ahead. He had me pray for pastors who will not receive any blessings this month for Pastor Appreciation to realize His blessings are enough. So many pastors are struggling in different areas of their life. 

Some are struggling physically and need reminded of Philippians 4:13. 
Some are struggling financially and need reminded of Philippians 4:19. 
Some are struggling spiritually and need reminded of Galatians 5:19-23. 
Some are struggling emotionally and need reminded of James 1:2-4. 
Some are struggling mentally and need reminded of Joshua 1:9. 

No matter what the struggle, the answer is found in II Timothy 1:7. As we commit our lives to Christ, He will empower us to live as He desires. This type of life is the 'secret' way of living. It is this type of life that enables us to be who He has called us to be. Woo hoo!.

Dear Jesus,
Thank You once again for the privilege to pray for pastors! I pray again for Doc to receive the blessing of healing upon his body along with my two pastor friends suffering with cancer. I pray for strength for Steve as Peggy draws closer to taking her last breath on this earth Lord, I prayed for many pastors throughout the night who need Your touch upon their lives with a healing in their emotional, financial, mental, and physical body. Most of all I pray for pastors to be spiritually healed. I pray for more pastors to live a II Timothy 1:7 type of life so they will be living as You have called them. I pray for more pastors to lead their families in the manner You desire so they will love those in their households with Your love. I pray for more pastors to realize their greatest ministry lives under their very own roof. Protect pastors families from the works of the evil one. Father, I pray for a cleansing in my spirit so You can fill me to overflowing. I pray for more of You and less of me. I pray for empowerment today to do what You so desire of me. May You be my words, actions, and attitude throughout this day. May You give me physical strength that is needed to not just 'do' today but to "see You in everything, all day"! Thank You for being My Empowerment! Amen.

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