Thursday, October 10, 2019

II Timothy 1:7; Psalm 19: James 1:2-3; Galatians 5:22-23 - "Praise You In The Storm"

This morning God took me again to Psalm 19. I read it in different translations and settled in pondering The Passion Translation. This Psalm is one David wrote about praising God. Sometimes we feel like we can't praise Him due to circumstances yet we must never stop praising Him. We must never stop speaking His name with words of praise. Why? Because there is always something to praise Him for. 

I woke up this morning. Therefore, I have something to praise Him for.
I have a roof over my head, food in my belly, and all of my physical needs are met. Therefore, I have something to praise Him for.
My husband is still alive. Therefore, I have something to praise Him for.
I get to see family next week. Therefore, I have something to praise Him for.
Most of all I do not have to 'do' the day ahead on my own but know I am empowered by His strength as I lean into Him. Therefore, I have something to praise Him for.

Praising God is a choice. 
Living in His empowerment is a choice. 
Praying for His wisdom and then walking in it is a choice.
Allowing Him to fill us with His peace in the midst of a storm is a choice.

We all have choices and depending upon what choices we make will depend on how much we desire to praise Him. If I choose to wallow around in a pity party for all that is going on, I will be miserable. But if I choose to find things to praise God about I will be joyful. The more joy that oozes out me, the more joy will be multiplied in me. The more I allow God to fill me with His Holy Spirit, the more empowerment I will have from Him. He gives me the choice to live in His love or to be miserable. That choice will determine if I get the privilege to live with Him for eternity. Oh how I can't wait to be with Him in heaven. No more physical aches and pains. No more families torn apart. No more trials to live through. No more disease such as cancer. No more 'junk' of the world but instead the perfect peace of heaven. Woo hoo! Oh how I pray for more people to make the right choice and live for Him. I pray for more people to live out II Timothy 1:7 and allow the Holy Spirit to fill them so they can be empowered by Him to love with His love. I don't know where God will lead me today but I pray people will see II Timothy 1:7 in my life. As they do, I pray they will see James 1:2-3 being lived out. I desire for the fruit of the Spirit to be seen in my words, actions, and attitude throughout this day. I love how Galatians 5:22-23 reads in The Passion Translation... 

But the fruit produced by the Holy Spirit within you is divine love in all its varied expressions:
joy that overflows,
peace that subdues,
patience that endures,
kindness in action,
a life full of virtue,
faith that prevails, 
gentleness of heart, and
strength of spirit.
Woo hoo! When we have the Holy Spirit residing in us, these fruit will be seen. We must all make the choice for Him to dwell in us so fruit will flow out of us.

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for the words of Psalm 19 this morning that encourages me to praise You! Thank You for the reminder that it is my choice to allow Your Holy Spirit to dwell in me! Thank You for all the ways You encourage me! The study from last night reminded me to not allow trials to cause resentment in my spirit. Thank You for that reminder! You knew I needed to hear the sermon I preached Sunday just as You knew I needed the Bible study lesson I presented last night. Woo hoo! Thank You for cleansing me so You can fill me with more of You! Thank You for using Your Word to teach me what I need! Thank You for giving me many reasons to be joyful! Father, I pray this morning for Doc to feel Your joy in the midst of the cancer and chemo. I pray the same for so many others going through trials. May You be greater than their circumstances. I pray for Mike's heart to get in sync; three seeking employment; Rhonda, Tiffany, and Caylin's feet to heal properly; Paula, Martha, and Patrick's shoulders to heal properly; many going through cancer to feel Your touch...Dale, Mike, Kandi, Peggy, two pastor friends, Eddie's daddy, the teens teacher's daughter, Lynn, Rita, Maxine, my friend with lymphoma; Jim, Shirley, and Renee as they continue to find their new 'norm' after losing their spouses; two marriages that are crumbling; some children who need protection over the 'junk' in their parents lives; and families with deployed loved ones. My prayer list is so long and it gets overwhelming at times but I am grateful You are in control of all the requests I send up. Thank You for being My Protector-God! Amen.

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