Wednesday, July 10, 2019

II Timothy 1:7 - "Take Me Back"

Every time I was awake during the night the song "Church (Take Me Back)" was going through my head. Specifically, these words...

Take me back To the place that feels like home To the people I can depend on To the faith that's in my bones Take me back To a preacher and a verse Where they've seen me at my worst To the love I had at first Oh, I want to go to church
As I sang these words this morning, I thought about people who use to go church yet have allowed the enemy to pull them away for one reason or another. I remember those days of living 'my life' the way I wanted to live. I rebelled against God and the way I knew I was to be living. I am grateful I did not stay in such a life but instead allowed God to heal me. I remember being afraid God wouldn't love me any longer and I used that as an excuse to not  go back. The attitudes of some in the church kept me away. There were some who did not love me with Christ's love but instead judged me with the devil's judgement. I remember feeling hurt over some people's words and actions toward me. I was so grateful when God opened my eyes to the fact that we are all human and make mistakes. People who profess to be Christians are not perfect. I will say it was hard to forgive those who hurt me, especially those who never tried to make amends. But their words and actions are on them, not me. I realized a long time ago that I cannot allow other people's words and actions to send me to hell for eternity. I also thought about the church I am in today. Do we love people with God's love? Do our words and actions show His love? Are we willing to forgive people when they do or say things to hurt us? Once again, we are human beings. But that is not an excuse we can use for not loving with His love. We need to live a life of striving to be Christ-like. That means loving and forgiving even when it hurts. It means being people who others can depend on. I also thought about preachers who have impacted my life. I am in awe of the way God gifts people to remember Scripture or even to remember when something is found in Scripture. I love listening to a sermon where when it is done I want more and can't believe it is time to be over. Pastors make an impact on people in two different ways. It can be a 'good' impact or it can be a 'bad' impact.' We have to decide which we want to strive for and then allow God to work in and through us. I also thought about pastors who have 'fallen' from their relationship with God and hurt their testimony with the people. It is so hard to be in a congregation where such a thing happens. You begin to question things that they said or did. You wonder if things were done through Christ or not. There are hurts that go so deep with such a situation BUT once again we must love them with Christ's love. We must not judge them but pray for them to come back into relationship with Christ. As a pastor, there will be people that hurt us. We must remember we are responsible for leading them but we cannot make them do anything. The enemy is alive in the church today and trying to tear it apart however he can. That is why it is so important for all believers to stay in a relationship with God where we not only hear His voice but we walk in obedience to what He says. Constant communication with Him is key. We must stand in His strength and empowerment no matter what the enemy puts before us.

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for this song this morning that reminded me of my past, present, and future. I pray people will remember me as being a preacher that loved them with Your love. The only way that can happen is for You to cleanse me so You can fill me. May it be so today in a new, different way. Father, I pray for Doc as he is anxious about his chemo treatment today. I pray for the doctor, nurses, and technicians be who he needs them to be. I pray for the chemo to do the job in shrinking the mass. Lord, give us both Your supernatural strength. Thank You for giving him Your strength to go to Children/Teen Activity Night. Thank You for the encouragement he received. Lord, guide me as I finish my study for tonight's Bible Study. Enlighten me with whatever You desire to be presented. Father, I pray for my friend having a procedure this morning. Help her not to be anxious but instead rest in Your peace. Thank You for being My Past, Present, and Future! Amen.

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