Wednesday, July 24, 2019

II Timothy 1:7; Luke 4:14-21 - "Worthy"

Yesterday morning Dr. Graves said we, as a church, need a fresh infilling of the Holy Spirit. His sermon was entitled "Grab A Piece of the P.I.E." and was from Luke 4:14-21. Verse twenty-one says, "Today this scripture is fulfilled." Before that can happen in our lives we must be willing to walk in obedience to His will. We must be willing to accept was He has in store for us. But are we? Many are afraid to accept His will for their life. They question it instead of embracing it. He expects us to question. In fact, I believe our faith is grown through questioning. But we cannot get hung up in questioning. We cannot get hung up in needing all the answers before we accept His will. We will only receive the freedom from living in the flesh when we finally die to self. I loved P.I.E. and the word picture Dr. Graves gave. I love pie. In fact, I love most food. I enjoy trying new dishes. There are certain things that are 'comfort food' to me and certain ones that bring back great memories. When I think about how I love to eat, it is an enjoyable experience for me. But that joy cannot compare to the way I feel in my sold-out life with Christ. Dr. Graves gave the following for us to ponder upon...

Participate with people
Interact with people
Experience life with people

This is the only way we will fulfill scripture. As we live out P.I.E. in our life, we will live more like Jesus lived. He ministered to everyone. We must follow His example and move from representation to participation. I loved the example of TV shows Dr. Graves gave. In the 70/80's the most watched shows were soap operas. That changed to talk shows in the 90's and to reality shows now. There was little difference in soap operas and talk shows other than the professionals took the script and played the life of the people in the soap operas. On the talk shows the people played out their life as professionals. But then reality shows came into existence. People want to be participants in life. Jesus participated in life with the people. We need to do the same. We cannot allow fear to stop us. Instead we need to stand on II Timothy 1:7 and allow Him to give us a spirit of empowerment to love people with His love. We must not allow fear to make us not talking with people. Instead we need to allow Him to wipe away our fears so we can be strong in Him. We must ask Him to not only put opportunities before us but to open our eyes to them. People need Jesus and the way they will experience Him is through us. It takes time to build relationships. We cannot rush into them but instead 'walk slowly' to both start and develop them. We must pray for the Holy Spirit to open our eyes to notice people. The ways of the world make people feel good for a short time but God will be with them for eternity. Relationships take time and they take work. As Dr. Graves was speaking yesterday, I thought about District Assembly. This is our fourth since coming to South Carolina three years ago but it is the first one I felt like I belonged. Why? Because I have developed relationships. I have made friends. I have experienced life with the people on this district. Even though we feel we are millions of miles apart in proximity to them, we are still family. I pray over my list of pastors and their families regularly. Some I know, some I don't. Some I know better than others. No matter how deep our relationship, I know I could pick up the phone at anytime and ask them for prayer and they would not refuse me. We care for one another and desire to support one another. I pray for all South Carolina District pastors to take on Luke 4:18-19...

“The Spirit of the Lord is on me,
    because he has anointed me
    to proclaim good news to the poor.
He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners
    and recovery of sight for the blind,
to set the oppressed free,
19     to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.”

I pray for the year of the Lord's favor to be realized by all churches. The only way that will happen is for pastors to set the example to their people of how to "Grab a Piece of the P.I.E." as Jesus did while on this earth. I pray people will catch onto this way of living. When we see this happening, the South Carolina District Church of the Nazarene will become stronger in their faith. We will experience the Holy Spirit in a new, different way and God's power will realize God's limitless empowerment. Woo hoo! I am ready to hang on for the wild ride that is going to happen throughout our District. Yes, there will be ups and downs as on a roller coaster. There will be some who will experience the thrill of stopping at the top of a ferris wheel and there will be some who will experience being hit over and over as on the bumper cars. No matter what, His empowerment is there for all of us. He will see us through the 'tough' days just as much as He will be basking in His glory with us in the 'good' days. Woo hoo! I'm so excited to hear the reports next year of how God used the piece of P.I.E. He put before the people throughout the year ahead.

Dear Jesus, 
Thank You for such an inspiring District Assembly! Thank You for making me realize I am a part of this District even when I felt like like an outsider! Thank You for Dr. Graves who encouraged my heart so much! Thank You for Pastor Sam who loves us so greatly! Thank You for all the people who encouraged us with their words throughout the days we were together! Father, may all of us "Grab a Piece of the P.I.E" so You will be real to more people. Take away the fear and give us openness to the opportunities You put before us. Before this can happen, we must be cleansed so You can fill us. May it be so in all of our lives. Father, I pray for the empowerment of Your Holy Spirit to be realized by all. I pray for You to empower Doc today as he goes through this treatment today. May You give strength in his physical body but most of all may he feel empowered in his spiritual body. Thank You Jesus for being  My Holy! Amen.

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