Sunday, July 21, 2019

II Timothy 1:7; I Corinthians 8 - "Known"

I was so tired and hurt in every inch of my body when I went to bed last night. I told Doc I just don't understand why I've had so much pain these last few days. It is unusual for me. I am used to dealing with fatigue but not pain. Because of the way I felt I spent an extended time of praying for pastors before going to sleep. I prayed for them, their families, their congregations, etc. I prayed for some pastors specifically who are going through transitions in ministry, Illness in themselves or family members, prodigal children, some who recently bought their own homes, etc. When I thought I had prayed what God wanted, I went to sleep  only to be woke up at 1AM, 2AM, and 3AM with instructions to pray. Each of these three times He had me pray for pastors to remember Paul's words in I Corinthians 8 about not being a stumbling block to someone else by our actions. Paul was talking about food in this Scripture but God had me praying about pastors who have turned people away from Him by what they said from the pulpit about things of this world. He had me pray for them to think before they speak; be with the people without participating in what they were doing that was not of Him; and not to have a judgmental attitude toward them. He also had me pray for pastors to lovingly teach the people that everything on this earth may be permissible but that does not make it beneficial. He repeatedly had me pray for pastors to love with His love and not from their humanness. He also repeatedly had me pray for pastors to remember not everyone they come in contact with know Him. I think that is why He took me to I Corinthians 8. Just because we know God we are not better than one who doesn't. He loves them too. The difference between a believer and a non-believer is found in verse three. But whoever loves God is known by God. Woo hoo! We are "fully known" by His love. Through this knowledge we can share His love with others. If we are judgmental on the way they are living their life, we will get no where with them. We must love with His unconditional love. This may seem impossible to do with some people but when one is sanctified it is not impossible. That is one of the many reasons why we all need to be sanctified. We must desire to be cleansed so He can fill us to overflowing with His love so it will ooze out of us. Then more people will come into relationship with Him. It doesn't matter how great of a preacher one is with their speaking or how much money their church brings in. All that truly matters is that the love of God flows from them so others will desire the same. A man or woman is successful to the world by the car they drive, house they live in, the way they dress, etc. But true success comes through God and is measured by their walk of obedience to His will. I am so grateful for the knowledge I have gained to know what He desires of me to be 'successful' in life. I am grateful for my Saturdays of prayer for pastors. I also am grateful in the knowledge I do not have to fear the day ahead with the way my physical body feels. I will stand on II Timothy 1:7 as He empowers me to love on all I meet with His love. I will not fear the cancer in Doc's body but instead be empowered to go deeper in my faith. I will not fear the things of life such as finances but instead trust in the Lord because He always provides and has never failed me yet. I will not fear things happening around me but instead will stand in the knowledge God is in control of all. I will not fear doing or saying the wrong thing to someone. God will provide my words, actions, and even the right attitude in me to draw others to Him.

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for the opportunity to pray for pastors! Father, You had me concentrate for all pastors to not be a stumbling block to others. Lord, enable each one to realize what that looks like in their life. Empower pastors with Your love so more people will come into relationship with You. Lord, You had me pray for pastors going through transition in ministry, those buying their own homes, those with illness or family members with illness, and those with prodigal children. May each one of them feel Your presence today in a new, different way. Father, before that can happen there needs to be a cleansing in their spirit so they can be filled by You. I pray this for myself. I desire to walk in obedience to Your will and know I must be cleansed and filled first. Woo hoo! Father, I pray strength for Doc as he is struggling physically. I pray for these next few days with District Assembly on Monday/Tuesday and chemo #3 on Wednesday. May You be greater than his fatigue. I also pray for my physical and mental being with driving to Columbia. May You be greater than my fatigue. Lord, You are so good and we are so blessed by You. May we be beacons of light for You with Your love oozing out of us no matter how we feel. Thank You for the opportunities yesterday and the ones ahead in this day. Thank You for being The One to Fully Know Us! Amen.

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