Thursday, July 25, 2019

II Timothy 1:7; Psalm 36 - "Your Love Oh Lord"

One of the Psalms we studied last night at Bible study was Psalm 36. The first part of it breaks my heart. There are people described in it as being wicked (vs 1). These people have no fear of God (vs 1). They think so highly of themselves they don't even recognize their sin (vs 2). Their words and actions are not good (vs 3). Their lives are full of evil (vs 4) and they like it. The life described in these first four verses is an ugly one. Unfortunately, there are many who live in this way. They have chosen to do as the evil one desires instead of God. How can we change them? We can't. Only God can change hearts. But He can use us if we allow Him. He can pour His love into us so it will ooze out of us in a way people will desire Him. Verses five through nine describes God's love as being faithful (vs 5); righteous and just (vs 6); unfailing and protective (vs 7); filling (vs 8); and enlightening (vs 9). When you compare the difference of the life described in the first five verses and that of the next ones, the difference is vast. If you have God's love in you at all, You would desire to share it with others. The darkness found in the life at the beginning does not sound very nice. As I allow His love to ooze out of me, the darkness they live in will become Light. Verse ten in The Passion Translation reads: Lord, keep pouring out your unfailing love on those who are near you. Release more of your blessings to those who are loyal to you. Yes! His love is the answer. It also will strengthen us to stand against the evilness we will encounter as we share Him with others (vs 11). Every time I read this Psalm a song Third Day sings called "Your Love, Oh Lord" comes to my mind...

Your love, oh Lord
Reaches to the heavens
And Your faithfulness
Stretches to the skies

And Your righteousness
Is like the mighty mountains
Your justice flows
Like the ocean's tide

And I will lift my voice
To worship You, my King
And I will find my strength
In the shadow of Your wings

Yes! I will "find my strength" in Him. I will allow Him to use me to bring light into the darkness of the sin of this world. Why? Because that is what He has called all believers to do. We cannot be timid but instead need to be bold in our witness. He gives us a spirit of power, love, and self-control (II Timothy 1:7) to do so. I will continue to stand upon that.

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for the blessings of yesterday and the ones ahead in this day! Thank You for Doc receiving the chemo that is shrinking the tumor! Thank You for our Bible study last night on the book of Psalm! Father, may I be bold in my witness so people will come out of the darkness into the Light. May Your strength be mine. In order for that to happen, I repent before You. I ask You to cleanse my soul so You can fill it to overflowing with Your love. May my words, actions, and attitude be Christ-like today in a new, different way. Father, my physical body is rebelling. I hurt and am so, so tired. I pray for an infilling of Your strength in it as well. I'm so emotional this morning. I know it is because of the way I am feeling physically but that doesn't make it easy. Thank You for Martha's call this morning that encouraged me so much. I continue to pray for Kandi as she goes through her treatments; Billie with her surgery today; Mike as he recuperates from hip surgery; the Srgo family; Pattie and the children as they continue to adjust; Brother Dan as he continues the road of obedience; and Bill for physical and spiritual needs. May You bless each one of them in a supernatural way. Thank You Jesus for being My Light! Amen.

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