Friday, July 19, 2019

II Timothy 1:7 - "Good, Good Father"

I love waking up, looking at the clock, and realizing it's not time to get up yet. Being able to roll over and cover up my head for another couple hours is wonderful but especially after over doing the day before. Yesterday was somewhat of a 'normal' day even though it was the day after chemo. I ran errands while Doc had a dentist appointment, went home to rest and have lunch, and then took him shopping. We even had dinner out which was an added treat. There was much accomplished after we got home which meant falling into bed at the end of the day. I was exhausted and hurting in every part of my physical body but boy was my emotionally body flying high. We are so blessed by the Lord! A friend gave us a gift card that provided for him some clothes that will fit and to have the day after chemo where he was feeling good was so nice. I messed up in one store. Doc had went on out to the car while I checked out and God put an opportunity before me. I was trying to hurry to get out to him and I missed praying with a lady. Needless to say, I've repented and asked Him to give me more opportunities. His response was, "Daughter you are human. Go and be ready when the next opportunity arises." I'm so grateful for a loving, forgiving God. I'm grateful for the way He provides days like yesterday and for His grace that continues to be poured out over us. He is such a "Good, Good Father" and I love being His daughter! The words to this song came to my mind this morning as I thought about how He accepted my apology for not taking an opportunity to pray with the lady yesterday. He still loved me even though I 'messed up.' 

Oh, I've heard a thousand stories of what they think you're like
But I've heard the tender whispers of love in the dead of night
And you tell me that you're pleased
And that I'm never alone

What a blessing to know "I'm never alone" no matter what. He is always with me. He has stayed close to me on this rollercoaster ride with Doc's cancer. In fact, I feel Him closer than ever before. He has made me realize I am stronger in every aspect of life than I ever thought I am. He also has made me realize my husband is my ministry and there are times others will have to wait for my time. Since coming to South Carolina finances have been challenging but He always provides. Before we came it was understood he would need to be bi-vocational. Right now that is not possible yet God is providing and for that I am so grateful. I continue to stand on II Timothy 1:7 in every area of our life. God will continue to empower us with His strength as we walk in obedience to Him and love others with His love. The doctor is amazed at Doc's blood work and how he is doing on chemo. There is no explanation in the medical records yet we know it is God. We must share that knowledge so others will come into relationship with Him. 

Dear Jesus,
Thank You seems so inadequate to say after the day You gave us yesterday. I am so grateful for all the ways Your love was poured out on us. I also am grateful for the grace You gave with me not praying when I should have. You are such a "Good, Good Father" and I am in awe of You. Lord, may today be another 'good' day for Doc. May You continue to strengthen his physical body but most of all his spiritual body. Lord, I also pray for a cleansing in my spirit so I can be who You have called me to be. May You fill me to overflowing so You ooze out of me in a new, different way. May people only see/hear You and not me today through every word, every action, and my attitude throughout this day. Be greater than me, Father. I continue to pray for: Carolynn's son; little Sophia; little Melody; Gary; little Richie; Val; Debbie; Bob; Mike; Tony; Serenna; and so many others who are going through health issues. May You touch them physically, mentally, emotionally, financially, and most of all spiritually. May their families be touched as well. May You be greater than their circumstances. Thank You Father for being My "Good, Good Father"! Amen.

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