Thursday, July 18, 2019

II Timothy 1:7; James 1:2-3 - "He Knows"

Yesterday was an emotional roller coaster. I loved the thrill of hearing the doctor say Doc's blood work, with the exception of his sugar, was perfect. Hearing her say his bilirubin count showed the pancreas was functioning better was the icing on the cake. Getting a call later that the doctor did not need to see him next week before chemo because he is doing so well was fantastic. While he was doing chemo I paid for the permits so the electrical, plumbing, etc. can be started on the church building. That was another exciting part of my day. I started in the decline of the ride as I watched him with the effects of the treatment. The headache kicked in before he was done and continued throughout the evening. The pain and ickiness didn't take long to start either. But he was not nauseated which is a big praise. It also is a praise that he was hungry for both lunch and dinner. We hit bottom at bedtime when he broke a piece of a cap on a tooth off. After such a 'good' day, we wondered 'why?' Who knows why such things happen but I know God knows all. Even though God didn't stop it from happening, we must remember to praise Him. We must remember He will get us through the storms of life. We must remember He is our strength through everything that happens. Once again, this morning I am standing on II Timothy 1:7. I will not fear because He empowers me with His strength for all that happens in the day ahead as I walk in His will. I had a strange dream last night that I know cannot ever happen due to the circumstances involved. As I thought about it this morning, I realized God was my strength in a mighty way as we went through some tough days. The thing that didn't make sense to those around us in my dream was how we continued having faith that God was in control. I think God gave me that dream to make me realize He is in control of our days. I already knew it but perhaps He knew I needed a reminder. Nothing surprises Him. He knows all. He also knows our thoughts. He knows when we begin to falter in our faith. He knows when circumstances of life become too tough. "He Knows"...

He knows, he knows
Every hurt and every sting
He has walked the suffering
He knows, he knows
Let your burdens come undone
Lift your eyes up to the one
Who knows
He knows

Yes! "He Knows!" This knowledge gives comfort! It gives me the strength to carry on when I feel like quitting! It empowers me to walk in His will! It encourages me to not stop when it doesn't make sense why God allows 'bad' things to continue to happen. Then I think once again of II Timothy 1:7 and James 1:2-3. He strengthens me through tough times so I can persevere to share His love as He desires of me. Woo hoo! I will go deeper in my faith! I will be empowered by His love! I will persevere no matter what happens on this earth so I can spend eternity with Him. Woo hoo! My goal will be realized!

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for the 'good' things that happened yesterday with the news of Doc's blood work and the permits being paid for! Thank You for the 'bad' things that happened so my perseverance took me deeper in my faith. Father, cleanse me so You can fill me. May You be greater than my humanness in this day ahead. May You not only put opportunities before me to love on others but may I not miss any of those opportunities. Thank You for all the ways You love us! Lord, 'on earth as it is in heaven' is my prayer! No more cancer or disease of any kind. No more children being neglected or abused. No more fighting in families. Until that day comes, may more people dig deeper into their faith so they can not only hear Your voice but walk in obedience to it. No matter what happens in the days ahead I pray for people to see You in me. I pray they will question how we can get through tough days so well. May they see You as our strength! Thank You Jesus for being My Perseverance! Amen.

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