Monday, July 22, 2019

II Timothy 1:7; II Kings 4:1-7 - "Way Maker"

Wow, I don't know how many times I said "Thank You Jesus!" on the drive to Columbia yesterday. Every time I had to get on the highway and the cars had a break in them it was heard. When I was protected from erratic drivers, it was heard. By the time we made it safely to our destination I was hurting in my back and leg yet once again the Lord provided strength to go to the opening of District Assembly. I am so thankful He did because I needed it. The music was awesome and my cup was running over by the time it was done. Then the icing on the cake was hearing Pastor Sam preach as he gave his first report as our DS. As he spoke about family challenges I thought about my dear friend Elizabeth who is being challenged by her daughter's family moving to Colorado. I also thought about my own challenge with being away from my children and grand babies along with my Momma and siblings. I can't imagine being more than a day's car ride away from them. Although now that I think about Paul being in Houston that might be more than a day's drive. Missionaries who go across the water don't see their family often. Thankfully we at least have internet to keep us connected. I was so glad to see many of Pastor Sam's family there last night to support him. I pray the ordinands will have family support there tonight. Pastor Sam's message was on II Kings 4:1-7. It is the story of the widowed mother who had nothing. In verse two she was asked, "What do you have?" She replied "Nothing at all." She was directed to ask  her neighbors for empty jars. This reminded me of many years ago when Doc lost his job and I called the pastor for prayer. He told me, "Sheila, you guys need to tithe." I thought he was crazy telling me that. I thought here I am asking him for prayer and he is telling me to give the church money! It was not what I expected to hear. We had only started back to church. I knew about tithing but I didn't know how it could happen in our situation when we were not going to have enough money to cover the bills yet alone give to the church. After telling Doc and us praying about it we decided to 'try it' and see how it worked out. Woo hoo, God! Not one bill was missed or even late. Bills actually were paid off which was amazing. But it was all God's doing. The same happened when this widow took and poured her one jar of oil into the many jars that accumulated. "What do you have?" is answered by what we have at our disposal. Sometimes we have to get creative and think outside of the box. Last night as Pastor Sam was speaking I thought of some of our creative, outside the box ideas we have implemented since our move to South Carolina....
  • We needed children and teens in our ministry. We thought outside of the box and started Activity Night with a free dinner in our home. When we ran out of space, we built a storage building so the garage could be used.
  • When the need was presented to the congregation for money needed for the building rehab, I knew we didn't have 'extra' money to give so I wrote letters asking for support. I can't remember how much was raised but I believe it was over $600.
  • Most recently I found a way to raised funds for the deficit we are facing between the loan amount and the projected estimate of the rehab. It is no fault of our own but circumstances that made the estimate increase since 2017. Changes in the county regulations that made only county licensed contractors do the work and having to put a complete new roof on the building made the extra amount needed. My Facebook fundraiser has raised over $5600. Woo hoo, God!
"What do you have?" is answered by me by saying "God's love!" He loves me so much that He has seen me through some tough days since our move here three years ago. Hurricanes, female surgery, breast cancer, financial struggles with our decreased income, Doc's health issues including the most recent pancreatic cancer, etc. BUT He has never left me. He has never quit empowering me to walk in obedience. He has never failed me in any way. Pastor Sam spoke of the church body, "Financial provision comes from people loving the church." I think this statement is also true for individuals. God has taken care of every one of our needs. He has provided generous people who have loved on us with financial gifts. He has also provided us with people in ministry who are willing to walk beside us in ministry. Some are in the background praying for us. Some are not in our area yet financially support us. Once again, God has not failed us in providing what is needed. There have been many times since this move where I wondered what God was doing when doors were shut. The move itself made me wonder what God doing. But no matter what, I have realized God is doing His will through me. The only way it will be accomplished is for me to continue walking in His will and loving on people with His love. I have to continue to stand on II Timothy 1:7. I cannot allow the enemy to cause fear into my life. Instead I must be empowered by God to love people with His love. As I allow Him free reign in my life, I will be walking in obedience to His will. Last night I was challenged to strive to do this better. I was challenged to seek new ways to share His love. I was challenged to get more people in my little world to do the same.

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for Your love! Thank You for Your strength to drive yesterday! Thank You for the way You filled my cup with the service last night! Thank You for Pastor Sam's obedience to come to South Carolina! Father, Doc had such a miserable day yesterday. The struggle with getting through his sermon, being sick in the afternoon, and feeling so drained was horrible. I pray today is a better day so he can not only feel better but feel well enough to participate in District Assembly. Lord, be his strength. Father, I pray for more of You in both of us. I pray You will cleanse us so You can fill us to overflowing with Your empowerment. May we be better servants today than we ever have been. May people see/hear You instead of us. I also pray for many who are going through tough days. I also pray for many who are going through tough days. I pray for Elizabeth Day​ with the adjustment of Sarah's move; two little guys who are going through adjustments in their families; and our friend Mike who is struggling with his wife's addiction. Lord, be so real to all. Thank You Jesus for being My Way Maker! Amen.

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