Saturday, July 6, 2019

II Timothy 1:7; II Chronicles 20:15; Philippians 4:13; Exodus 14:14 - "Symphony"

I was in bed last night for ten and a half hours. The last two were what my Daddy would call 'soaking' with being awake, snoozing, awake, snoozing, etc. He also would say 'you are going to get bedsores staying in bed so long!' Oh how I miss my Daddy! I miss his daily calls, his hugs, his much. Days like what we've been going through are tough. They are hard to continue on at times. In such days when my Daddy was on this earth, he would be such an encouragement to me. His live was full of tough days yet his faith kept him going. Yesterday and again this morning the song "Symphony" is going through my head....

‘Cause even in the madness
There is peace
Drowning out the voices
all around me
Through all of this chaos
You are writing a symphony
A symphony

Yes! God's peace is perfect at all times. I feel it yet there are still days where I struggle physically, mentally, emotionally, and financially. There probably are some who say I struggle spiritually because I give into such days. But I would disagree. I am just a human being. God knows that. I do not think He sees me as failing spiritually when I question Him nor when I shed tears. He sees those times as opportunities to take my faith deeper. He reminds me...

He made me to not be fearful of the circumstance but instead to stand in His empowerment (II Timothy 1:7) and remember the battle is His (II Chronicles 20:15).
All I have to do is lean into His strength (Philippians 4:13) and be still (Exodus 14:14).

I am so grateful for the reminders from His Word. I also am grateful for the way He encourages me so greatly in so many ways. Today is a new day. It is a day where I will intentionally focus on Him in a new, different way. I know that is when I will hear from Him the most and walk in obedience to what He gives me. I have a choice to make today. I can go back to bed and cover up my head so I do not have to deal with our situation or I can live in His presence and allow Him to work in and through me. My choice is to allow Him to use me in whatever manner He so chooses. I desire to see the "Symphony" He is writing of our story. Woo hoo!

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for a night of rest! Thank You for the time of 'soaking' as my Daddy would say! Thank You for protecting me as I drove home in the storm last night! I was grateful I was only three miles from home! Father, today is a day where in my humanness I would rather not function but I know You will empower me to do what You so desire of me. Would You please cleanse me of any negative thoughts? Would You take away the desire to not 'do' this day? Would You fill me with more of You so I can feel Your encouragement? Lord, I pray for Doc as he finishes his sermon. I pray for a physical touch upon His body, specifically for a healing with the pancreatic cancer. Father, I am praying for his healing to be sooner than later. Thank You Father for being The Writer of Our Symphony! Amen.

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