Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Psalm 50 - "It's A Beautiful Day"

This morning the Lord took me to Psalm 50 to ponder upon. This Psalm is about obedience to Him. It discusses how God is glorified through our actions. Matthew Henry writes, "Happy are those who come into the covenant of grace, by faith in the Redeemer's atoning sacrifice, and show the sincerity of their love by fruits of righteousness." A life of obedience to Christ on this earth will result in a life for eternity with Him. There is no better way to live than walking with Him. The sacrifices of the Old Testament are no longer needed due to Jesus' death and resurrection. Instead one needs to lift up their prayers to Him. Living a life of surrender to Him is far greater than anything one can do on this earth. The desire of His heart needs to be the desire of our heart. One must let go of selfish ways and take on the mind of Christ. It is then, and only then, His voice will be heard and one will walk in obedience. There are many people today kidding themselves that they are 'ok' when in fact they are not. The Lord sees all and knows all. There is nothing one can do that can be kept from Him. There are times where people will justify their actions with words. If the actions are of the Lord, no justifying is needed. If they are not from the Lord, no justifying will be right. His ways...His words...those are what we need to follow and be obedient to. He is the One to be glorified in our words and actions, not ourselves. The last verse of this chapter says it all...

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for the reminders from Your Word this morning. Thank You for Your love, grace and mercy that allows me to walk in obedience. Father, I pray You will be glorified in all that I do and say today. Go before me and give me more of You so people see/hear You instead of me. Cleanse me so this can happen without any determents. You are so awesome in the way You are going to provide physical strength in this tired body. May You also provide safety as I am on the roads and empowerment over the evil one when he comes knocking at my door. Thank You for Doc having a better night's rest last night. Thank You for being My Way. Amen.

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