Monday, November 7, 2016

II Timothy 1:7 - "Whom Shall I Fear"

It's a new day...the start of a new week that includes two doctor appointments that I was not expecting to have. This new day also has thoughts in my mind that I was not expecting to have. This new day also has emotions in my spirit that I was not expecting to have. BUT the important thing to remember is that this new day does have something I was expecting...God is with me in this new 'bump' in the road. He is always with me. He never leaves me. Woo hoo! He blessed me yesterday with a great 'Friends and Family Day' with my church family. He blessed me with a walk after my afternoon rest time where I wore a survivor sweatshirt Nancy bought me a few years ago. He blessed me with the opportunity to go to bed at 6PM without worrying about things that needed done. Plain and simple, He blessed me. I know He will bless me today as I go throughout this day. My biggest hope for this day is for C to not distract me. I do not want to miss any opportunity to be Jesus to people in this day. I do not want my physical being to overtake my spiritual being. So how is it even possible to accomplish that? I believe it will happen as I embrace II Timothy 1:7 for the empowerment of the Lord.

I am embracing what He has given me...power, love and in this version it reads 'sound mind.' He will empower me to love with His love and think with His thinking. He will empower me to speak with His words and to have His thoughts. He will empower me to stand up against the enemy when he starts to put bad thoughts in my mind. He will empower me to not be distracted over C but instead will take me deeper in my walk with Him. Woo hoo!

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for yesterday! The fellowship was just what we needed as a church family. Thank You for ones who were there that we had not seen for awhile. Lord, I pray they heard something that will make a difference in their life. I pray for those who were not there to be there next week. I know there are many who say going to church is not that important but Your Word tells us otherwise. Father, today starts a new week. I am grateful You told me to not enroll for the session of college that starts today. I did not understand yet I did not question when You boldly told me to cancel. I am glad I listened. I pray for my brother who is having radiation today, my sister who is having hip replacement today, my other sister who is starting to homeschool today, my mother who is having an appointment with the lung specialist and my friend with eye surgery today. Lord, go before them and guide them. Thank You Jesus for being The One To Empower Me. Amen.

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