Friday, February 12, 2016

Revelation 12:11 - "My Story"

The Lord blesses me each and every day. Yesterday was so awesome in how when I got into the truck to go be with a friend the song He woke me up to came on. He knew I needed a reminder that He was with me. As fear started to creep into my spirit during a situation He brought back to me II Timothy 1:7 that I had shared with my friend yesterday morning. I am so blessed to be where I am in my relationship with Him. Living in His presence, a life with Him 24/7...whatever you want to call it is where I always wanted to be with Him but I didn't think it was possible. When I surrendered totally to Him, then I found His peace.

This morning He woke me up to "My Story" that Big Daddy Weave sings. Actually when my 'baby' got me up to go potty at 2AM the words were in my heart. Then when I got up this morning they were still there. What a blessing! Another blessing yesterday was when a friend shared a message the Lord gave her for us. This message confirmed something we have been praying about. Once again, another blessing.

If I told you my story
You would hear victory over the enemy
If told you my story
You would hear freedom that was won for me
If I told you my story
You would hear life overcome the grave

If I should speak then let it be

This is my story this is my song praising my Savior all the day long

I need to make sure I share my story each and every day. My life has not always been as it is now. There is hope when people feel like they have no place to turn to. There is unconditional love available for matter how 'bad' we have been. There is grace and mercy. There is forgiveness. There are blessings available to all who will surrender to Him.

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for Your love, mercy and grace. Thank You for always being with me. Thank You for second chances. Thank You for opportunities to share You with others. Father, fill me to overflowing so people will see and hear You through me. I pray for Your empowerment to be upon me. I praise Your Holy Name for the way You opened doors for my friend yesterday. I continue to pray for her strength and protection as she deals with this situation. Lord, I also pray for protection over her spiritual being. I pray she will stay strong in what You have told her to do. Thank You for not only speaking to her but for her obedience in what You said. Lord, today is a new day. May You use me to fulfill Your will. Thank You for being My Story. Amen.

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