Saturday, February 27, 2016

John 8:31-32 - "No Longer Slaves"

Yes! I do "Take delight in the Lord" and he does give me the desires of my heart. Being able to spend a week in the sunshine of South Carolina was a desire of my heart that He fulfilled. Taking walks on the beach were awesome because I could. The one day we walked six miles! Six miles! Wow is God good! Just a few weeks ago I was unable to walk six steps on my own. I am one blessed lady and I pray He knows how grateful I am for all of the ways He blesses me. Today I was thinking about how wonderful it was to not only be able to walk each day but to be able to walk outside in the sunshine with the Son shining down on was exhilarating! My spiritual tank was filled to overflowing with the ways He blessed me over the last two weeks. 

  • The promises He has given me are ones I will hold close to my heart. 
  • The love He has shown me is one that will never be forgotten.
  • The blessings of each and every day are etched in my mind.
Once again I am pondering on John 8:31-32....

31 To the Jews who had believed him, Jesus said, “If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. 32 Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”

The desire of my heart is to hold to His teaching which in turn will enable me to know the truth. It will be in that truth that I will live in freedom in Christ. I do not have to be enslaved to sin, fear or anything else the enemy tries to send my way. Why? Because I am grounded in Christ. He is the Only One I listen to. He is the Only One who I will follow. Why? Because of the freedom He has given me to live a life for Him.

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for all of the blessings You gave me last week. Thank You for all of the miles traveled safely. Thank You for the miracle You gave us yesterday with Doc's retina not being torn. Lord, You are so awesome! Fill me with more of You so You ooze out of me. I pray for people to see and hear You in and through me. Father, as I start another class I pray for the ability to concentrate and grasp what I am being taught. I pray for enlightenment to come down upon me on new things. I love what I was reading yesterday about 'new' things! Woo hoo! Bring them on! I am ready for some new things! Thank You Jesus for being My Only One. Amen.

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