Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Hebrews 12:1-3 - "I Am Not Alone"

The Lord woke me up this morning with Kari Jobe's song "I Am Not Alone" which I thought was really strange. I don't feel like I'm in "deep waters" or "standing in the fire" at this point in time. So I asked Him why this song? His reply...

"Daughter, I need You to pray for one who is making decisions that they know are not ones I am pleased with. Actually, there are a few in your realm of influence that need to realize I am here for them. They are believing the lies of the evil one over having faith that I will see them through their circumstances."

My heart breaks...I can't even begin to imagine how the Lord's heart breaks over us when we try to do life on our own or we believe the lies of satan. There are so many times where Instead of relying on the Lord we try to take care of things ourself. We have to realize He is always there for us. He is the One who will encourage us, heal us, love on us, take care of us...the list goes on and on. The one thing we must always remember is that we are not in this life alone. The only way to get through life is by pressing into Him and allowing Him to fight our battles. When we do this, we will receive victory!

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for giving me the privilege to pray for ones who are making decisions not of You. Thank You for reminding me the importance of keeping our eyes on the end result, especially when life on this earth gets tough. Lord, You are so wonderful in the way You care for us. I pray for more people to come to the place of surrender in their lives so they too can live in peace. Your peace is so awesome! Lord, fill me with more of You so people will see and hear You in me. I pray for Your words to be my words, Your actions to be my actions and Your attitude to be my attitude. Father, You know that last part is one I am struggling with. Oh how I pray against negativeness or edginess as I deal with people who do and say things that hurt me or aggravate me. No aggravation today...that is my prayer. No distractions today...that is my prayer. Just You Jesus...just You. Thank You for being My Prize. Amen.

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