Sunday, February 28, 2016

Isaiah 43 - "Ever Be"

Isaiah 43 is rich in promises for those who believe in the Lord. Many times I have been reminded of the way the Lord will be with me "When you pass through the waters..." or "When you walk through the fire... in verse two. He reminds me that I am "...precious and honored" by Him (verse four) and do not have to be afraid (verse five). One of my favorite verses is verse ten where He tells me I am "chosen"...woo hoo! Last week He revealed to me that change is coming. Something new is about to happen. I am waiting on Him to reveal to me what that is but until that time I am holding onto verse nineteen....

The morning after God revealed He was going to do something new in my life I came upon these flowers. As I looked at the buds I thought, "That is me right now" and when I saw the blooms I thought, "That is what my newness will look like." I am so excited to see what changes are going to happen. I know as long as I live in His will, surrendered to Him He will continue to guide me in the path He desires. 

This morning I woke up singing "Ever Be" and was blessed in knowing "Your praise will ever be on my lips, ever be on my lips..." Yes! I will always praise His Holy Name! I am praising His Name this morning for the way He used me during the night. A friend had a very painful night Friday with leg cramps and ended up having other issues from them yesterday. At 3AM the Lord woke me up to pray for her. This morning when I sent her a message telling her I had prayed she replied, "Thank you beyond words and PTL. 3am I WAS STARTING TO CRAMP UP but was able to mentally relax or more like God relax my muscles. A little stiff today but no pain or soreness. Normally I wouldn't be able to take a step without pain. GOD IS GOOD AND PTL I am too!" I am so blessed in being a part of people's praises! I love when I find out such things as the exact time He woke me to pray was the exact time she was starting to have issues. We do not have to have anointing oil or even have to be in the same place for a healing to occur. All we have to have is faith!

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for using me as a vessel of healing for my friend. Thank You for reminding me this morning of newness that is coming in my life. Thank You for being with my Momma as she is in pain today. Lord, give her relief from this pain. I pray for an anointing upon her body so the pain will be gone. Father, I pray for people who are 'thinking' about going to church today to actually go. I pray for the ones in churches today to not only hear Your Word but to follow the direction given through it. I pray for all pastors as they go into the pulpit to be filled with Your Holy Spirit. I pray for all worship leaders as they lead people to the Throne to be filled with Your Holy Spirit. I pray for all Sunday School teachers to speak words of life from Your Word. I pray against anything that is not of You to not go inside the walls of church buildings today. Lord, Your Will be done in all services. There are some pastors not preaching what You desire today. I pray they will be convicted and change their words. Father, I pray for the Holy Spirit to come down upon them in a mighty way. I also pray the same for myself. I pray You will ooze out of me so that people do not see or hear me today, but You. Thank You Jesus for being The One I Praise. Amen.

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