Monday, August 24, 2015

Matthew 4:19 - "In the Blink of an Eye"

3AM...."In the blink of an eye..."
7AM..."In the blink of an eye..."

When I got up, I looked up the lyrics to this song Mercy Me sings. As I read them, I thought about Doc's sermon yesterday. He challenged us to look beyond ourselves and be Jesus to others. For those who are introverts, that is a difficult challenge. For those, like myself who are extroverts, it isn't normally difficult. For me right now though it is challenging as I find myself at home so much more than 'normal'. But the thing I must remember is found in this song...

You put me here for a reason
You have a mission for me
You knew my name and You called it
Long before I learned to breathe
Sometimes I feel disappointed
By the way I spend my time
How can I further Your kingdom
When I'm so wrapped up in mine?

Yes! The Lord knows the outcome of this exasperation. He knows the reason behind it. He knows the opportunities He will put before me today and in the days ahead to be Jesus to others. He knows. Plain and simple. He knows. I can not allow the enemy to consume me with a pity party for myself and my circumstances. As Doc pointed out yesterday, there are many people who need the Lord's love. All I need to do is look around and see them. This may be more difficult in the confines of the four walls of my home BUT it is not impossible. The Lord has me living in a time of great technology. I not only have the phone as a tool to use but I also have the computer. I can touch many through these tools. The time is now to be more aggressive in my boldness for the Lord.

If I give the very best of me
That becomes my legacy
So tell me what am I waiting for?
What am I waiting for?

Dear Jesus,
I am so thankful for the reminder today that You are still using me to share Your love with others. I am also grateful for the knowledge You know all. Father, thank You. I pray for opportunities to be put in front of me today to be You to others in some mighty ways. Feel me with more of You and less of me...give me Your Words and Your attitude. Bless me in abundance. Thank You for being My Opportunity Maker! Amen.

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