Sunday, August 23, 2015

Colossians 1 - "Flawless"

No matter the bumps 
No matter the bruises 
No matter the scars 
Still the truth is 
The cross has made 
The cross has made you flawless 
No matter the hurt 
Or how deep the wound is 
No matter the pain 
Still the truth is 
The cross has made 
The cross has made you flawless 

"Flawless"....yes! That is what the Lord makes all of us when we accept Him in our lives. He cleanses and gives us a newness that only He can give. It is only through His amazing grace that we are enabled to be cleansed. Unfortunately, too many times when one comes into relationship with the Lord the enemy drags them back into 'junk' by making them feel like they aren't worthy. That's when we must remember...

Take a breath, smile and say 
Right here right now I’m ok 
Because the cross was enough 



  • 1.without any blemishes or imperfections; perfect
I am not perfect in a worldly focus but I am perfect in God's eyes! Does that mean I don't make mistakes? Absolutely not. What it does mean is that the Lord lives in and through me which makes me perfect in His eyes. That's makes me have worth! Maybe not in the world's eyes but in His eyes and really that is all that counts!

This morning I woke up early and started praying for many who we've been missing in church. In talking with others, our church is not alone. Summer has taken a toll on attendance in many churches. The ways of the world have enticed people to go have fun instead of being in church. It saddens me to see people not getting their spiritual tank filled. They will eventually get to "E" and give up. While praying this morning the Lord reminded me there are many who, even though they believe in Him and have accepted Him into their hearts, don't feel flawless. The enemy has pulled them into so much of the world that they feel worthless. The world has told them their God can't help them when in fact He is the Only One who can. Depression has set in. Denial has become their way of life. For some, addiction has become an escape. All of these things are of the enemy and not of God. It is not easy to feel 'flawless' in the beginning but once you get to the point it is very fulfilling.

I think of Paul's words to the Church of Colosse in Colossians 1 where he encourages them through talking to them about redemption. Verses 9-15 read....

For this reason, since the day we heard about you, we have not stopped praying for you. We continually ask God to fill you with the knowledge of his will through all the wisdom and understanding that the Spirit gives, 10 so that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and please him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God, 11 being strengthened with all power according to his glorious might so that you may have great endurance and patience, 12 and giving joyful thanks to the Father, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of his holy people in the kingdom of light. 13 For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves,14 in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.

We, as believers, need to not only pray for unbelievers to come to know Christ but we need to pray for each other to stay strong in our faith. When we see people missing from church, we need to contact them. Why? Because people need to know they are worth our effort. More importantly they need to be reminded of verse thirteen and fourteen in this passage. For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves, in whom we have redemption , the forgiveness of sins. I like how Matthew Henry puts it...

In praying for spiritual strength, we are not straitened, or confined in the promises, and should not be so in our hopes and desires. The grace of God in the hearts of believers is the power of God; and there is glory in this power. The special use of this strength was for sufferings. There is work to be done, even when we are suffering. Amidst all their trials they gave thanks to the Father of our Lord Jesus, whose special grace fitted them to partake of the inheritance provided for the saints. To bring about this change, those were made willing subjects of Christ, who were slaves of Satan. All who are designed for heaven hereafter, are prepared for heaven now. Those who have the inheritance of sons, have the education of sons, and the disposition of sons. By faith in Christ they enjoyed this redemption, as the purchase of his atoning blood, whereby forgiveness of sins, and all other spiritual blessings were bestowed. Surely then we shall deem it a favour to be delivered from Satan's kingdom and brought into that of Christ, knowing that all trials will soon end, and that every believer will be found among those who come out of great tribulation.

Dear Jesus, 
Thank You for making me 'flawless'...thank You for grace...thank You for loving me enough to remind me that I need to be an encouragement to others. Lord, I pray for those who are contemplating going to church today. I pray You will enable them to make that step. Father, bless each one that goes to get their spiritual tank filled. I pray for those in churches today to be an encouragement. I pray they will speak with Your words and have Your attitude. I pray for an abundance of You in church services today. Lord, thank You for filling me with more of You and less of me that enables people to see You in me. Thank You for the opportunities ahead for me today. Thank You for yesterday, today and tomorrow. Thank You for being My Grace. Amen.

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