Thursday, August 13, 2015

II Corinthians 12:10 - "You Will Never Run Away"

Yesterday was one of those days chalked full of blessings. I was ready to burst by the end of the day with all the Lord blessed me with...

  • Mordecei and I took a short walk...even though it was only a half a block and back it was a blessing.
  • Joan came and we had such a nice visit and prayer time.
  • Reading something my dear Lizzy told me to read from a devotional book...Thank Me for the conditions that are requiring you to be still. Do not spoil these quiet hours by wishing them away, waiting impatiently to be active again. Some of the greatest works in My kingdom have been done from sickbeds and prison cells. Instead of resenting the limitations of a weakened body, search for My way in the midst of these very circumstances. Limitations can be liberating when your strongest desire is living close to Me. Quietness and trust enhance your awareness of My Presence with you. Do not despise these simple ways of serving Me. Although you feel cut off from the activity of the world, your quiet trust makes a powerful statement in spiritual realms. My Strength and Power shine themselves most effective in weakness.
  • When Doc dropped me off for Bible study, Jim blessed me with laying his lesson aside to have a prayer meeting.
    • This was a confirmation of something Joan and I had talked about earlier in the day.
    • During the prayer time the Lord spoke very clearly to me with three words to share with one of the group going through a very difficult time. "trust" "faith" "love" After I shared those words then the Lord impressed upon me to read Psalm 91 out loud. What a blessing to see tears in their eyes. I knew the Lord had spoken to them.
  • Adavee gave us fresh veggies from the Farmer's Market.
  • Doc took me to watch part of the girls ballgame after church.
  • Coming home later (after being washed multiple times) and smelling the anointing oil on my hands.
    • The response of a dear friend when I shared this...yep, Sheila, that oil represents the Holy Spirit and that smell will never be washed off of the Child of God that walks in His anointing. Others will sense and know that there is something different in a person who has the anointing of the Lord upon their life. Praise God that you all had a wonderful time in the Lord tonight!

Wow! The Lord blew me away with the entire day full of blessings yesterday! And already today the blessings have started from the moment I woke up! "You Will Never Run Away" was on my lips this morning. As I searched why Rend Collective wrote this song, I found these words by one of the band members...

"Sometimes it’s hard to see the beauty of what God is working when you have your mind set on one outcome. And my journey isn’t done, who knows, I could go back to practising physical therapy yet! But for now I’m grateful God’s plan was not my plan. I don’t know where God has you right now. Maybe you’re in the middle of a season of discontent and frustration with your job, your love life, your calling, your life. I would encourage you to trust that God hasn’t forgotten you, in fact he promises he has a plan to prosper and not to harm you. And maybe, just maybe he’s placed you here for such a time as this."
That last sentence is powerful! I also received a devotional shared from a friend that I believe is from the same book Lizzy shared from. It reads, "When you walk through a day with childlike delight, savoring every blessing, you proclaim your trust in Me, your ever-present Shepherd." Yes, there were things I saw as blessings yesterday that many would not understand. There also were things prior to this season of life that I would not have seen as blessings. Walking only a half a block when I was use to walking 1-3 miles...getting to go see a ballgame when I was use to driving myself anytime I wanted to go watch the girls...there are so many things I use to take for granted that I can't experience in this season of life. The one thing I hope I never take for granted in life is that the Lord is with me. I love the words to this song...
Love stronger than the grave
Love rolled the stone away
Rising with endless majesty
Love takes us by the hand
Love is the wildest dance
You are the joy and fight in me
You are the joy and fight in me

You will never run away
You're forever mine
You will never run away
You're by my side
You will never run away
You forever shine
You will never run away
You're by my side
Dear Jesus,
Thank You for loving me so much that the desire of Your heart is to bless me in abundance! Thank You for the reminders of Your love throughout my day yesterday. Lord, give me childlike delight throughout this day to be joyful in You. Fill me to overflowing with more of You and less of me. Father, the desire of my heart is for people to see You in me. Lord, I pray for Your blessings to continue to flow out of this season You have me in. I pray for Your Will to be so clear to me. Lord, I continue to pray for a miracle in my insurance situation. Just as was brought out last night in prayer meeting, we are to continue to ask You until all doors are shut. Lord, I pray for healing within physical bodies but most importantly I pray for the spiritual needs of people to be met today in mighty ways. Lord, thank You for being My Joy and My Fight. Amen.

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