Saturday, February 21, 2015

Psalm 139:13-14 - "I Am Not Alone"

I was reminded this weekend that God chose me. Psalm 139:13-14 reads, For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. Woo hoo! Those words are so exciting! Not only did He create me but He made me to be His servant. He chose me to go through difficult times so that my faith would be strengthened. He chose me to have the personality I have so that His love would flow so easily from me. He chose me to be His daughter because He loves me. Those are some exciting words to ponder. It's also exciting to think about the call He placed on my life as a Medical Chaplain. When I think back on all the time I spent in hospitals growing up with my parents having multiple health issues, I have to think that He started the preparation many years ago. Then to think of my MS and the things I've dealt with over the last twenty years with it, once again it was another step in the preparation process. Do I feel worthy of this call? The human part of me would probably say "No!" but why would I not feel worthy of something the Lord has placed on my life? According to the dictionary the definition for worthy is "having worth or merit or value; being honorable or admirable." I definitely have worth and value in the Lord. I also know as I live my life for Him, following the call He has put upon my life, I am honoring Him.  This picture is a great reminder that I am not alone in anything He calls me to do. Everything I do must be done in His strength and through His guidance.

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for this weekend where I received such encouragement. Thank You for my coach and all those involved in Assessment process. Lord, I praise You for their servant hearts. I praise You that they the example of having more of You and less of themselves in their lives. I praise You because You worked through them to bless me. I praise You for the reminder that "I am not alone…I am not alone…You will go before me…You will never leave me" No matter what You lead me to do, I know You have already went before me and will bless my efforts. Thank Jesus for being the One to Call Me. Amen.

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