Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Matthew 21:22 - "Jesus He Loves Me"

Once again I woke up to Chris Tomlin's song "Jesus He Loves Me" and feel so blessed. One part goes…

I stepped out of the dark
And into the light
When He called my name

The angels are rejoicing with the death from this earth of another believer. His story of when he stepped out of the dark was unique. The Lord spoke to his heart through the healing of one of his dear precious cats. He had no one so his cats were his only family. One become seriously ill and the vet told him it had little time. The man did not believe in God but had been given a Bible. He began to read and came across the words of Jesus in Matthew 21:22, "If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer." I will never forget him telling me his story and the tears flowing down his cheeks. He laid hands on his cat and told the Lord if he would heal his cat, he would follow Him. The Lord spoke very clearly and told him He would have six more years with his cat. Immediately the cat jumped up and started running around which was truly a miracle since it hadn't moved or ate much for a couple days. He called the vet back to check the cat and the vet had no answers. From that point on this man read his Bible faithfully and served the Lord. A cool part of the story was that he did have six more years with his cat! I will never forget his story. 

The Lord calls us in different ways BUT He does call us. I am forever grateful for the ways He calls me each and every day. He not only calls me to me His servant but most importantly He calls me to be holy. That is a hard concept for some but what a blessing when you finally understand it!

When one follows the Lord and does His will, they will be happy in the sense they will know what His blessings fully are. He blesses in such amazing ways when we live a life of surrender. He gives us things we can't even comprehend. And it's all because He loves us.

And it was a fire
Deep in my soul
I'll never be the same

Woo hoo! Praise the Lord for change! I don't ever want to go back to living for self instead of living for the Lord. I don't ever want to go back to being content with just living when I now know what living a surrendered life is. I hear people say, "But it's not easy living for the Lord." I disagree. I agree it isn't easy when we try to live part of the time for Him and part of the time for self and the world. But it is definitely easy when one totally surrenders everything to Him. The thing we must remember is that everything is already His…we just have to allow Him to have total access to it.

Dear Jesus, 
Thank You for this song that reminds me of Your love. Thank You for this one who is rejoicing with You in heaven. Thank You for the manner You grabbed his heart through his pet. Lord, You are so awesome. I pray for more hearts to be grabbed by You. I pray for more believers to let go of their selfish ways and allow You full control. Father, speak to people in whatever way works for them. Use me, Father, to be Your mouthpiece to draw others to a surrendered life. Lord, I know it will take more of You and less of me in order for that to happen. I want to be blessed by seeing fruit come from my life. The desire of my heart is to see more people come not only to know You but to live a 24/7 life with You. Woo hoo! Thank You Jesus! Lord, You know the day that is ahead for me. You also know the way I am feeling physically, mentally and emotionally. I pray for a blessing of Your strength over me. I pray for the Holy Spirit to not only be my Guide today but to be my Strength. Thank You Jesus for being the One to Love Me.  Amen.

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