Friday, November 22, 2019

II Timothy 1:7 - "Yes I Will"

This morning these words are going through my mind...

Yes I will, lift You high in the lowest valley
Yes I will, bless Your name
Oh, yes I will, sing for joy when my heart is heavy
All my days, oh, yes I will

I don't know that this is the lowest valley I will ever be in but it sure is the pits. How did Mary feel as she watched her son be crucified? I'm sure that was a very low valley to be in. I can't imagine how my parents felt when my sister was murdered and my Daddy was shot. That had to be a low valley. When my Daddy died, it was a low valley for me yet I rejoiced in knowing he was no longer in pain and in a better place. When I was diagnosed with MS and thought life was over, it was a low valley. I prayed the Lord would allow me to play with my grand babies without being in a wheelchair. That prayer was answered. I've played with all of seven of them without the wheelchair. I've had to use the wheelchair during their lifetimes but not very often. When I was diagnosed with breast cancer, the question of 'how long will I live?' came to my mind. I'm three years out and still cancer free. I praise God for His healing touch. Today, I am praising Him for all the ways He encourages us on this journey with the cancer in Doc's pancreas. Yesterday's encouragement came in different ways. One was a check in the mail from a friend to put in the building fund. Another encouragement was Doc having strength to power wash the back of the house. The first day after chemo he is awake early with lots of energy for a few hours due to the steroids so he tries to get something accomplished. Another encouragement was me having time with little ones that bless my heart. A call from Brother Dan to Doc was a huge encouragement for us. The day was not all encouraging with the garage door opener breaking and the grill giving me problems when I went I went to make supper. I do not like to have to get Doc up with such things but there was no other choice. Thankfully, I was just too impatient with the grill and all was good. Another praise was when Doc climbed on the ladder to figure out why the garage door wouldn't open, he didn't fall. Unfortunately, it is no longer made and the only place to find the needed part is over a hundred dollars so we will just wait and watch for one to come on sale. Another praise from yesterday was the nine hours of sleep I had without Mordecei needing out. As he gets older, nightly trips out have started a lot of nights. Today is a new day. It is a day where I know some of what will happen but I am open to whatever God wants of me. I pray I will not miss any opportunity He puts before me. Tomorrow will be a 'tough' day emotionally with Doc's scan but I am at peace. The other night I wrote:

The diagnosis from a doctor is never final...we serve a powerful God that miraculously heals! I continue to pray to the Great Physician for a miraculous healing in Doc while on this earth. I am praying in the name of Jesus for the results of the scan this Saturday to show NOTHING!

I am praying and believing! ...on earth as it is in heaven! There is no cancer in heaven and I declare it gone from Doc's body on this earth. I am standing upon II Timothy 1:7 in His empowerment to be spiritually strong in Him. I will sing this song all day long...

Yes I will, lift You high in the lowest valley
Yes I will, bless Your name
Oh, yes I will, sing for joy when my heart is heavy
All my days, oh, yes I will 

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for all the ways You shower us with encouragement! Thank You for all the ways You encouraged us yesterday! Thank You for the blessings of yesterday and the ones ahead in this day! Thank You for the way You will put opportunities before me today to love with Your love! For that to happen Lord, You must cleanse me so You can fill me with more of Your Holy Spirit. May it be so. Father, I pray for Doc who has started off the day with typical after chemo effects. I pray You will love on Him so greatly that You will be greater than the aches and pains. Thank You for the energy he had yesterday and the call from Brother Dan to him! Thank You for that encouragement that he greatly needed! Lord, may today be another day of encouragement for him. May he feel Your presence so greatly. Father, there is someone having surgery this morning and I failed to write down the name of the person. Please be with them, the surgeon, all medical personnel who care for them, and their family. I'm thankful You know who it is. Thank You Father for being My Great Encourager! Amen.

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