Thursday, November 28, 2019

II Timothy 1:7 - "Give Thanks"

Thirty-nine years ago my first son was born on this day! That year it was the day after Thanksgiving. Thirty-nine years! Wow! I will never forget that first time of holding him. He was perfect! He was so beautiful with his dark hair and warm complexion. I would have to say he pretty much was the perfect baby. He slept 10-12 hours at night at six weeks on with 2-3 hour naps morning and afternoon for his first year. After that he went to taking a 2-3 hour nap in the afternoon. I remember him getting off the school bus from morning kindergarten and being starved but so tired many days he fell asleep in his food. I love the memories of feeding him because he loved to eat and I believe still does! He did love his Grandpa McHenry and spent many nights with them making memories. His Grandpa was noted for making his concoctions that made nasty diapers when he was a toddler and both of them would just laugh and laugh. When we moved to Willard, he moved in with them and their bond grew even deeper. I know he misses his Grandpa as much as I miss my Daddy. His Grandpa would be so proud of the man he is. I love to hear Paul say, "Mom, I love you!" With technology today those words happen more in texts than in conversation. I miss the way life was with we lived in the same house but God gave us Paul to raise to be a man of God. He gave us him to love and nurture. It's so hard being miles apart from my 'babies' and their babies but I am one proud Momma of the way they are walking in God's will. God was the one to direct their move to Texas. I think Paul was afraid to tell me but I was so happy for them with the advancement in his career. He provides well for his family so Lizzy does not have to work but instead volunteers at Miss Bella's school. I hope someday soon to be able to see their new home and experience life with them for a short time. I am looking forward to seeing them at Christmastime when we all are in Ohio. I can't wait to have a hug and 'I love you!' in person. One thing Paul never did when he was growing up was leave the house with that. I pray he practices the same with Lizzy and she knows he loves her as much as I know he loves me. I also pray he continues to live out II Timothy 1:7 in not fearing the things that come his way but instead living in God's love through them.

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for Paul's birth! Thank You for giving me the privilege to be his Momma! Father, may he feel Your presence in a new, different way today. May he feel Your love in a greater way than ever before. I pray continued blessings upon him. I started praying for him when I was a little girl. I prayed for my children, their spouses, and my grand babies to love You. Those prayers have been answered and for that I am so grateful. Father, I ask You to continue accepting and answering my prayers for Doc's healing from the cancer. I also pray for: Dale; Mike; Steve; my two pastor friends; a dear lady with mouth cancer; Maxine; Rita; Little Richie; Little Natalie; and so many others dealing with cancer of various kinds. During the night you had me praying for those who will not have a 'happy' Thanksgiving due to their circumstances. I continue to pray for June and her family; Lynn; Mr. Fran; Mike; Baby Weston; Little Finn and so many others who need a healing touch. Lord, cleanse me so You can fill me. Thank You for our friends who are coming today for Thanksgiving! Thank You for giving me so many blessings to be thankful for! Amen.


Beth Meneely said...

Thank you Lord for Your word and for Your songs.

My Strength said...
