Monday, November 4, 2019

II Timothy 1:7 - "In Christ Alone"

I thought I was going to jump out of my own skin yesterday as we were singing in church. These words to Christ Alone spoke to me so greatly...

In Christ alone who took on flesh
Fulness of God in helpless babe
This gift of Love and righteousness
Scorned by the ones He came to save

Till on that cross as jesus died
The wrath of god was satisfied
For every sin on him was laid
Here in the depth of Christ I live

Woo hoo! God sent His Son to this earth as a gift of Love so all could live. Praise His Holy Name! God loves us so greatly that He had His Son die for our sins. He loves us so greatly yet how do we show our love back to Him? Are we as quick to sacrifice for Him? Do we share Him with others so they can partake of His love too? Do we praise Him? Are we living a Christ-like life? These are all questions we need to be ready to answer. God deserves our love. He doesn't make us love Him but as He loves us we should have the desire to love Him. He gives us free choice. This means we can choose to love Him, listen to Him, follow His direction, etc. It is because of free choice that we can't be perfect as Him but we need to strive to be Christ-like every day of our life. As I was singing yesterday, I felt like my heart was going to burst from His love. Music speaks to me in a mighty way. I think that is why He wakes me each morning with a song on my heart and brings many different songs to my mind throughout the day. He loves me so greatly. He does not love me any more or less than He loves others. He loves us all. Those who have/had a trying relationship with their earthly father sometimes have a difficult time accepting His love. They cannot understand how He can love them like the Bible says. But I have known some who were abandoned by their earthy father who have no problem with such a relationship. I believe the key is realizing our worth in Christ. The only way to find that is by living in relationship with Him. Two-way communication with Him is key. We must not only speak but we must listen to Him. As we listen, we will become more obedient to His Word. We also will soak in more of His love. Woo hoo!

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for loving me so greatly! Thank You for worship during the time of music yesterday in the service! Thank You for cleansing me today so You can fill me! May You flow out of me in a new, different way. Father, I will admit I am apprehensive with all that is on the schedule today. I need You to not allow my focus to go off of You. I pray for Doc today to feel Your empowerment more today. I pray for both of us to stand upon II Timothy 1:7 throughout this day so the enemy does not have any open doors. Lord, I pray for the eight people who raised their hands yesterday that are seeking a sanctified life. The enemy is going to come knocking at their door today in a mighty way. May You be their strength to stand up against him. Thank You Jesus for being My Fulness! Amen.

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