Wednesday, November 13, 2019

II Timothy 1:7 - "Whom Shall I Fear"

God woke me multiple times during the night to pray. The first time I woke I was snuggled under my blanket with my four-legged buddy beside me nice and warm. I thanked God for that warmth with it being so cold outside for down here. Immediately, He reminded me of ones to pray for:
  • The homeless for protection from the elements. I thought of the people down at the waterfront and how cold they will get during this cold spell. I prayed for them to find shelter. I also prayed for Beaufort County to find a solution and to build/staff a shelter.
  • The young lady being kicked out of her mother's home and needing shelter for her and her three children.
  • The family with a newborn who are using heaters to stay warm since they do not have the funds to fix their furnace.
I wish I could help everyone of these situations but I can't so I pray someone will come to their aid. The next time I woke God impressed upon me to pray for a little guy who was transferred to Akron Children's Hospital after testing positive to influenza b. Soon after I prayed I received a message that it was a false-positive so he does not have the influenza. His issues are respiratory and have to run their course so he will be going home hopefully today. Woo hoo, God!

The next time I woke Mordecei must have been getting tired of me being up so he decided to go outside. was a cold 34 degrees! I know that's not cold for my Ohio friends and family but it sure is cold here! When we went out, there was a frog in the Carolina room all scrunched up that appeared dead. That prompted me to pray for animals out in the cold. Dogs, cats, horses, goats, cows, turtles, and frogs were on my list. 

Finally this morning when I got up, I prayed for the children going to school to have warm enough clothes to not get chilled. I prayed for the buses to have heat and the classrooms to not be chilly. I prayed for school personnel to have wisdom with not sending children out for recess if they weren't properly attired. Today's high of 49 is going to be a change from our 'normal'! I also prayed for all of the people I prayed for during the night to lean on God's strength. I prayed their circumstances would not cause fear but instead would push them to rely on God and not man. I'm also praying this morning Doc is able to go for his chemo after being so sick yesterday. I must stand upon II Timothy 1:7 so the Lord will empower me to be who He has called me to be. I must not allow the enemy any open door to play havoc in my life. Yesterday was so, so hard. As I cried out to God coming home from Bluffton, the tears rolled down my face. I knew I had to get control of myself with it raining and the heavy traffic. His comfort and encouragement allowed me to focus on my driving. I was so grateful for that gift.

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for all the ways You show Your love to me! Thank You for encouraging me! Thank You for the ones who prayed when I sent out a simple message of 'prayers please'! Thank You for Doc feeling a little better this morning! I pray he will be able to take the chemo treatment today. Lord, I prayed for so many during the night. Thank You for the little guy who was hospitalized last night doing better! Thank You for our warm home! Oh how I pray for those who are cold to find warmth. Most of all I pray for those with spiritual needs to find You or seek more of You. I pray You will cleanse me so You can fill me to overflowing with more of You. I pray You will be my words, actions, and attitude throughout this day in a new, different way. Thank You for being My God of Angel Armies! Amen.

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