Tuesday, November 12, 2019

II Timothy 1:7 - "Hills and Valleys"

The Lord woke me in the middle of the night with a burden to pray for those going through 'tough' times. Some have circumstances due to decisions they made while other circumstances are due to decisions others have made. Some are in relationship with Him while others are not. This morning He woke me with the lyrics to Hills and Valleys going through my mind. The purpose of this song is to show people how God is always with us, no matter what our circumstances. It begins with...

I've walked among the shadows
You wiped my tears away
And I've felt the pain of heartbreak
And I've seen the brighter days
And I've prayed prayers to heaven
From my lowest place
And I have held Your blessings
God, You give and take away

Everyone goes through 'tough' times. Many times it takes the 'tough' times to get us to realize we need God in our lives. For those who are in relationship with Him, it is those times our faith is taken to a deeper level. We all have a choice to make. We can either choose God or choose the enemy. Many times the way of the enemy seems like the easy road out but if we choose that road we are destined to go to hell. We must choose God on this earth if we desire to live with Him for eternity. We must not only choose His love, mercy, and grace but we must daily walk in it. That means allowing Him to reign in our lives, making decisions based on His desires and not our own, and allowing His love to freely flow out of us. It means seeking His will over our own. There is such freedom in this type of living. No longer must we worry but instead can trust God to work out all circumstances that come before us. God never leaves us. He is always there to empower us to live a life for Him. He is always there to encourage us. If He wasn't, I would not be able to live a II Timothy 1:7 type of life. I would be an emotional wreck going through Doc's pancreatic cancer. The words in this song encourage me greatly...

No matter what I have, Your grace is enough                                                                                      No matter where I am, I'm standing in Your love

Yes! I will stand in His love no matter if I am in a valley or on a mountaintop. I will press into Him more as my circumstances become harder. 
Why? Because I know He is in control. 
How? By living in His presence and walking in obedience to His will. 

Dear Jesus,
Thank You for the privilege to pray for those going through 'tough' days! Thank You for being with all who will allow You to be! Thank You for cleansing me this morning so You can fill me with more of Your Holy Spirit! Father, may You be my words, actions, and attitude throughout this day in a new, different way! Lord, I pray for Doc to have a better day today. I pray for this cancer to be knocked out of his body. I pray You will heal him sooner than later. Lord, I also pray for those with physical, mental, emotional, financial, and most of all spiritual issues to find Your strength today. I pray they will turn to You and not allow the enemy any open doors. I pray for people to get to the end of themselves so You can love them through their circumstances. Lord, thank You for the ways You encourage me even through the 'tough' days. Thank You for Ellsworths and Campbells coming over for dinner last night! Thank You for the way You are going before us for Doc's appointment this morning! Thank You for being the God of My Hills and Valleys! Amen.

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